Parapsychological Association

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J B Rhine Address: The Day Before the Paradigm-Shift

Terje Toftenes

New Paradigm Films

Oslo, Norway

We now see it from so many sources in parapsychology, quantum mechanics, new biology, cognitive sciences, etc., that there is good evidence for the existence of a deeper level of reality than the material. Everything points to it, but mainstream science is still reluctant because it will turn so much upside down. Are we now approaching a tipping point for this new understanding—the monumental paradigm shift—and how will it affect both science and our society?


Terje Toftenes (1950) is a Norwegian film producer, podcaster, and lecturer with over 40 years of experience. He has won multiple awards for his documentaries in the United States, and his interests include paranormal phenomena, new science within quantum physics, consciousness, and quantum biology. Terje has produced numerous documentaries such as The Creative Play of Consciousness, Living Health, The Day before Disclosure, The Hessdalen Light Phenomena, and Free from Cancer. Today, Terje focuses on his podcast and lecturing on his areas of interest.


Program chaired by Jacob W. Glazier. Download the Abstracts at

The Parapsychological Association is an international professional organization of scientists and scholars engaged in the study of psi (or 'psychic') experiences, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, psychic healing, and precognition. The primary objective of the PA is to achieve a scientific understanding of these experiences.

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