Books written and mentioned by guests.
We are slowly adding more books by more guests, as well as books mentioned during video conversations.
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- future memory
- critical path
- operating manual for spaceship earth
buckminster fuller
- modern spiritualism
- an experiment with time
- out of the crisis
edwards deming
- four quartets
- engines of creation
eric drexler
- up-wingers
- witchcraft, oracles and magic among the azande
- the fairy faith in celtic countries
- meetings with remarkable men
- prodigal genius: the life of nikola tesla
john 'neill
- synchronicity
- the undiscovered self
- essays on contemporary events
- the psychology of kundalini yoga
- dream symbols of the individuation process
- flying saucers: a modern myth of things seen in the sky
- action
- the mystique of enlightenment
- occult chemistry
- the problems of physics
- complete fiction
- life beyond 100
- sacred healing
- energy medicine
- miracles do happen
- illustrated encyclopedia of healing remedies
norman shealy
- education as initiation
- j. b. rhine on the frontiers of science
ramakrishna rao
- early hominid posture and locomotion
- dianetics
ron hubbard
- walden two
- primitive culture
- gods and magic: an introduction to the anthropology of the supernatural by jack hunter
1 00 51-spirits
- a clockwork orange
a burgess
- the bright light of death
a chaplin
- the hallucinogens
a hoffer h osmond
- the problems of physics
a j leggett
- toward a psychology of being
a maslow
- inferno
a strindberg
- the reflexive universe
a young
- a journey to the roots of rastafari
abba yehuda
- flatland
- tantraloka
abinava gupta
- toward a psychology of being
- farther reaches of human nature
- the farther reaches of human nature
abraham maslow
- trance zero
- multiple man
- evolutionary love
- from mesmer to freud
- the land of hypnogogia
- memoir of a trance therapist
adam crabtree
- neuro-linguistic programming
adam hunter
- prometheus bound
- a tempest
aimé césaire
- all is clouded by desire
- space time and organized crime
alan a block
- the story of helen duncan
alan crossley
- the story of helen duncan: materialization medium
alan e crossley
- the founders of psychical research
alan gauld
- howl
alan ginsberg
- the inflationary universe
alan guth
- bernadotte: napoleon's marshall, sweden's king
alan palmer
- the death experience: what it is like when you die
- the new science of consciousness survival: and the metaparadigm shift to a conscious universe
alan ross hugenot
- dream telepathy
- the edge of tomorrow
- patterns of prophecy
- incredible coincidence
- doorways to higher consciousness
alan vaughan
- the way of zen
alan watts
- the rebel
albert camus
- relativity: the special and general theory
albert einstein
- crime: the pope's banker
albert jack
- burned alive: giordano bruno, galileo, and the inquisition
alberto a martinez
- burned alive: giordano bruno, galileo, and the inquisition
alberto martinez
- island
- brave new world
- heaven and hell
- the doors of perception
- the perennial philosophy
aldous huxley
- magick in theory and practice
aleister crowley
- el topo
- the holy mountain
alejandro jodorowski
- psychomagic: the transformative power of shamanistic psychotherapy
alejandro jodorowsky
- beyond coincidence
alex tanous
- the einstein, podolsky, and rosen paradox
alexander afriat
- the fermi paradox: where are all the aliens?
alexander bostic
- eurasian mission
alexander dugin
- magic and mystery in tibet
alexandra david-neel
- émile durkheim and the birth of the gods
alexandra maryanski
- democracy in america
alexis de tocqueville
- the education of children
alfred adler
- the complete i ching
alfred huang
- king ubu
alfred jarry
- process and reality
- principia mathematica
alfred north whitehead
- miracles and modern spiritualism
alfred russel wallace
- between the pigeonholes
alison falby
- england's failed revolution: the peasants' revolt, 1381
alistair dunn
- the republic of plato
allan bloom
- heaven and hell
- the mediums' book
allan kardec
- v for vendetta
allen moore
- essay on prayer
ambrose worrall
- american psychologist
american psychological association
- suhrawardi and the school of illumination
amin razavi
- light the way
amy major
- nadja
- arcane 17
- arcanum 17
- earthlight
andré breton
- j. d. bernal: the sage of science
andrew brown
- death and the afterlife
- the harmonial philosophy
andrew jackson davis
- dreams and ghosts
- the crimson fairy book
andrew lang
- neurotheology
andrew newberg
- shamans and healers
andrew osta
- a burst of conscious light
andrew silverman
- breathing
andrew weil
- john stewart bell and twentieth century physics
andrew whitaker
- the war on normal people
andrew yang
- uri geller
- beyond telepathy
- the sacred mushroom
andrija puharich
- diary of an abduction
angela smith
- remote perceptions
- tactical remote viewing
- seer: thirty years of remote viewing
- diary of an abduction: a scientist probes the enigma of her alien contact
angela thompson smith
- the ego and the mechanisms of defense
anna freud
- the afterlife revolution
anne and whitley strieber
- the myth of the goddess: evolution of an image
anne baring jules cashford
- elizabeth i
anne somerset
- thought-forms
annie besant
- thought-forms
annie besant c w leadbeater
- thought-forms
annie besant leadbeater
- thought forms
annie bessant
- operation paperclip
annie jacobsen
- the urantia book
- the cloud of unknowing
- critique of mainstream austrian economics
antal fekete
- a clockwork orange
anthony burgess
- in the psychiatrist's chair
anthony clare
- western esotericism: a concise history
antoine faivre
- the satanic bible
- the satanic rituals
anton szandor lavey
- josef pilsudski: hero of poland
antoni lenkiewicz
- the feeling of what happens
antonio damasio
- prison notebooks
antonio gramsci
- the power of vulnerability
anu koivunen
- the eager dead: a study in haunting
archie e roy
- more encounters with star people
- space age indians: their encounters with the blue men, reptilians, and other star people
ardy sixkiller clarke
- nicomachean ethics
- the serpent power
arthur avalon
- childhood's end
- 3001: the final odyssey
- profiles of the future
arthur c clarke
- childhood's end
arthur clarke
- the history of spiritualism
arthur conan doyle
- the primal scream
arthur janov
- the reflexive universe
arthur m young
- complete works
arthur rimbaud
- the world as will and representation
- on human nature: essays on ethics and politics
arthur schopenhauer
- the bell notes
- the reflexive universe
arthur young
- king of kings
asfa-wossen asserate
- the foundation trilogy
- capoeira
- positive philosophy
august comte
- tangible dreaming
- the risen: a companion to grief
- grief: ponderings from the afterlife
august goforth
- inferno
- a dream play
- the red room
- the ghost sonata
- from an occult diary
august strindberg
- walden two
b f skinner
- the legend of bruce lee
b lee
- heart of prayer
baal shem tov
- spiritual awakenings
barbara harris whitfield
- october surprise: did the reagan-bush campaign sabotage president carter's attempt to free the american hostages in iran?
barbara honegger
- conscious evolution
barbara marx hubbard
- talking to the dead
- talking to the dead: kate and maggie fox and the rise of spiritualism
barbara weisberg
- curveball
barry zito
- henry sidgwick: eye of the universe
bart schultz
- the road to inner freedom
baruch spinoza
- string theory and m-theory
- cézanne
- to die for
- the road to inner freedom
benedict spinoza
- verification & validation of the scientific process in healthcare
benjamin franklin
- making of a medicine man
benjamin godfrey chipps
- malign velocities: accelerationism and capitalism
benjamin noys
- fractals and chaos: the mandelbrot set and beyond
benoit mandelbrot
- quantum black holes
- universe or multiverse?
bernard carr
- sense relaxation
bernard gunther
- technics and time, 1
bernard stiegler
- the idea of the world
- rationalist spirituality
- why materialism is baloney
- decoding schopenhauer's metaphysics
- more than allegory: on religious myth, truth, and belief
- decoding jung's metaphysics: the archetypal semantics of an experiential universe
- meaning in absurdity: what bizarre phenomena can tell us about the nature of reality
- the idea of the world: a multi-disciplinary argument for the mental nature of reality
- dreamed up reality: diving into the mind to uncover the astonishing hidden tale of nature
- brief peeks beyond: critical essays on metaphysics, neuroscience, free will, skepticism, and culture
bernardo kastrup
- parent-child telepathy
berthold schwarz
- the abc of relativity
- the problems of philosophy
bertrand russell
- the miracle of death: there is nothing but life
- merchants of light: the consciousness that is changing the world
betty kovacs
- life at the edge of science
beverly rubik
- aspects of vedanta
bharatiya kala prakashan
- standing rock: greed, oil, and the lakota's struggle for justice
bikem ekberzade
- business @ the speed of thought
bill gates
- my name is bill
bill wilson
- american prometheus
- pensées
blaise pascal
- the bushman way of tracking god
bradford keeney
- letter to a young medium
brian bowles
- many lives many masters
brian weiss
- magic, science and religion
bronislaw malinowski
- the handbook of near-death experiences
bruce greyson
- growing up in two worlds
bruce grindal
- forgotten founders
bruce johansen
- timeless deja vu
- timeless: a paranormal personal history
bruce olav solheim
- basics of acupuncture
bruce pomeranz
- on the modern cult of the factish gods
bruno latour
- intruders
budd hopkins
- voices from the cosmos
c b scott jones angela t smith
- lectures on psychical research
c d broad
- synchronicity
- the undiscovered self
- essays on contemporary events
- synchronicity: an acausal connecting principle
c g jung
- living bliss
- life beyond 100
- sacred healing
- energy medicine
- medical intuition
- miracles do happen
- conversations with g
- pony wisdom for the soul
- blueprint for holistic health
- illustrated encyclopedia of healing remedies
c norman shealy
- from birth to rebirth
c v tramont
- a primer of freudian psychology
calvin hall
- my story: pascagoula, the closest encounter
calvin parker
- death and its mystery
- mysterious psychic forces
camille flammarion
- sexual personae
camille paglia
- reasonances
- the fenris wolf
carl abrahamsson
- the red book
- the red book: liber novus
- modern man in search of a soul
- memories dreams and reflections
- the integration of the personality
- psychology and religion: east and west
- the archetypes and the collective unconscious
carl g jung
- psychology and alchemy
- modern man in search of a soul
- the archetypes and the collective unconscious
carl jung
- prometheus
carl kerenyi
- on becoming a person
carl rogers
- beyond words: what animals think and feel
carl safina
- the concept of the political
carl schmitt
- the order of time
carlo rovelli
- getting started in parapsychology
- charles richet: a nobel laureate's exploration of psychic phenomena
- charles richet: a nobel prize winning scientist's explorations of psychic phenomena
carlos alvarado
- the fire and light of theosophical literature
carlos aveline
- tales of power
- the art of dreaming
- the teachings of don juan
- the teachings of don juan: a yaqui way of knowledge
carlos castaneda
- the teachings of don juan: a yaqui way of knowledge
carlos casteneda
- connecting to source
- e.t. contact: they are here
- i am the universe/i am love
- the divine plan: now and beyond 2250
- superhuman: the invisible made visible
- the visible and invisible worlds of god
- god among us: inside the mind of the divine masters
caroline cory
- the essential chögyam trungpa
carolyn gimian
- anatomy of the spirit
carolyn myss
- the creation of health
- the science of medical intuition
carolyn myss c norman shealy
- the intuitive career
cay randall-may
- after death, what?
cesare lombroso
- the clinician
- poems of 1861
charles baudelaire
- aeronautical notebooks
charles dellschau
- hard times
- oliver twist
- a christman carol
- a christmas carol
charles dickens
- the ascent of humanity
charles eisenstein
- the book of the damned
charles fort
- ufo contact at pascagoula
charles hickson
- millennial hospitality
- walking with the tall whites
charles james hall
- stregheria: italian traditional witchcraft
charles leland
- the geller papers
charles panati
- thirty years of psychical research
charles richet
- the end of materialism
charles t tart
- living the mindful life
- altered states of consciousness
charles tart
- king midas and the golden touch
charlotte craft
- a lycanthropy reader
charlotte otten
- nosso lar
chico xavier
- crazy wisdom
chögyam trungpa
- cosmic dna at the origin
chris h hardy
- radical nature: the soul of matter
christian de quincey
- holotropic breathwork
christina stan grof
- the stormy search for self
christina stanislav grof
- anomalistic psychology
- exceptional experience and health
christine simmonds-moore
- lily dale: the true story of the town that talks to the dead
christine wicker
- the feeling of life itself
christof koch
- mel's hole: an endless mystery
christopher hayden
- how to know god
- ramakrishna and his disciples
christopher isherwood
- prometheanism
christopher john müller
- the culture of narcissism
christopher lasch
- the tragical history of dr. faustus
christopher marlowe
- my psychedelic explorations
claudio naranjo
- the practice of organizational diagnosis
clayton alderfer
- the practice of organizational diagnosis
clayton p alderfer
- primary perception
cleve backster
- the limits to growth
club of rome
- the outsider
- the occult: a history
- a criminal history of mankind
- rasputin and the fall of the romanovs
colin wilson
- meeting the shadow of spirituality
connie zweig
- lou andreas-salomé
cordula kablitz-post
- the philosophy of humanism
- on understanding soviet russia
corliss lamont
- macrobiotic brown rice cookbook
craig sams
- nature mind and death
curt ducasse
- quantum jumps
- the aura advantage
- reality shifts: when consciousness changes the physical world
cynthia sue larson
- how the hippies saved physics
d kaiser
- real magic
d radin
- an introduction to zen buddhism
d t suzuki
- freedom in exile
dalai lama
- the davinci code
dan brown
- aldous huxley and self-realization
dana sawyer
- the chemical imbalance delusion
daniel berger
- the great airship mystery
daniel cohen
- my left foot
daniel day-lewis
- a journal of the plague year
daniel defoe
- consciousness explained
daniel dennett
- emotional intelligence
daniel goleman
- thinking fast and slow
daniel kahneman
- the zohar
daniel matt
- greek and roman necromancy
daniel ogden
- saved by the light
dannnion brinkley
- is god confused?
- the way to heaven
- time of the vulture
- light in a dark place
- you can't always get what you want
- light in a dark place: the prison years
- letter to house select committee on intelligence
- letter to the house select committee on intelligence
- time of the vulture: how to survive the crisis and prosper in the process
darryl robert schoon
- the libertarian mind
david boaz
- wholeness and the implicate order
david bohm
- influence without authority
david bradford
- the fabric of reality
david deutsch
- the great wave: price revolutions and the rhythm of history
david hackett fischer
- a history of pictures
david hockney
- the character of consciousness
david j chalmers
- the threat
- secret life
david jacobs
- the witch of lime street
david jaher
- how the hippies saved physics
david kaiser
- influence without authority
david l bradford
- survival: death as a transition
- the circle of sacred dance: peter deunov's paneurythmy
- resonant mind: life review in the near-death experience
- prophet of our times: the life and teaching of peter deunov
- thinking beyond the brain: a wider science of consciousness
david lorimer
- the threat
david m jacobs
- a kick against the pricks
david norris
- the new pearl harbor
david ray griffen
- the h.i.s.s. of the a.s.p.
david ritchey
- jung and remote viewing
david shaver
- remf diary
- in the army now
- the remf returns
david willson
- magic and mystery in tibet
- the indo-europeans
de benoist
- cosmic law
- the upanishads
dean brown
- real magic
- entangled minds
- the conscious universe
dean radin
- integral yoga psychology
- meditations upon the isa upanisad
- rabindranath tagore in the 21st century
- critical posthumanism and planetary futures
- the alternate nation of abanindranath tagore
debashish banerji
- pox: genius, madness, and the mysteries of syphilis
deborah hayden
- birth of the chaordic age
dee hock
- entering the ghost river
deena metzger
- the secrets of dellschau
dennis crenshaw
- brotherhood of the screaming abyss
dennis mckenna
- the devil rides out
dennis wheatley
- flying saucers have landed
desmond leslie george adamski
- listening to the oracle
dianne skafte
- the celestial hierarchy
dionysius the areopagite
- chasing technoscience
don ihde
- changing our minds: psychedelic sacraments and the new psychotherapy
- jesus freaks: a true story of murder and madness on the evangelical edge
- following our bliss: how the spiritual ideals of the sixties shape our lives today
- the harvard psychedelic club: how timothy leary, ram dass, huston smith, and andrew weil killed the fifties and ushered in a new age for america
don lattin
- the hidden teachings of rumi
- the silent questions: a spiritual odyssey
- it is what it is: the personal discourses of rumi
- the spiritual flow of life and the science of catalysts
- the whole truth: the spiritual legacy of paul twitchell
- lenses of perception: a surprising new look at the origin of life, the laws of nature, and of our universe
doug marman
- the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
douglas adams
- our molecular future
douglas mulhall
- rasputin: faith, power, and the twilight of the romanovs
douglas smith
- precognition and human survival
drayton thomas
- weighing the soul
duncan macdougall
- billy bathgate
dustin hoffman
- germaine: the life of germaine greer
e kleinhenz
- shelley & byron
e trelawney
- mysticism
e underhill
- modern spiritualism
e w capron
- secrets from mount shasta
earlyne chaney
- proof of heaven
eben alexander
- tell me what you see
ed dames
- psi wars east and west
ed may
- edgar cayce on atlantis
edgar evans cayce
- collected works
- reflections on the revolution in france
edmund burke
- is justified true belief knowledge?
edmund gettier
- phantasms of the living
- et al, phantasms of the living
edmund gurney
- crystalizing public opinion
edward bernays
- vril: the power of the coming race
edward bulwer-lytton
- the string theory
edward witten
- nazi nexus
- war against the weak
edwin black
- anomalous cognition
edwin c may
- the realm of the nebulae
edwin hubble
- anomalous cognition
- the star gate archives, vol. 1
- anomalous cognition: remote viewing research and theory
edwin may
- the stargate archives, vol. 2
edwin may sonali marwaha
- olga worrall: mystic with the healing hands
edwina cerutti
- adventures in the supernormal
eileen garrett
- phantasms of the living
eleanor sidgwick
- on life after death
elisabeth kübler-ross
- the sixth extinction
elizabeth kolbert
- extraordinary knowing
elizabeth lloyd mayer
- the malleability of memory
elizabeth loftus
- the holographic anthropic multiverse
elizabeth rauscher
- this fight is our fight
elizabeth warren
- beyond biofeedback
elmer and alyce green
- nietzsche and phenomenology
elodie boublil
- heaven & hell
- the teachings
- teachings, vol. 1
- the divine revelation of the new jerusalem
- the brain: considered anatomically, physiologically, and philosophically
emanuel swedenborg
- research in parapsychology 1992
emily william cook
- heaven and hell
emmanuel swedenborg
- psicologia e "spiritismo"
enrico morselli
- eriugena
eoghan mac aogáin
- the forgotten language
erich fromm
- the splendid and the vile
erik larson
- modern miracles
- indridi indridason: the icelandic physical medium
erlendur haraldsson
- ready player one
ernest cline
- boundaries
- boundaries: a new way to look at the world
ernest hartmann
- the life and work of sigmund freud
ernest jones
- the marxist theory of alienation
ernest mandel
- the spirit of utopia
- the principle of hope
ernst bloch
- language and myth
ernst cassirer
- mind and matter
erwin schrödinger
- red cloud speaks
- fifty years a medium
estelle roberts
- altering consciousness
etzel cardeña
- elements of geometry
- mysticism
evelyn underhill
- sittings with eusapia palladino and other studies
everard feilding eric dingwall
- beyond good and evil
f nietzsche
- course in general linguistics
ferdinand de saussure
- mediumistic phenomena
filippo bottazzi
- personality survives death
florence barrett
- a course in miracles
foundation for inner peace
- giordano bruno
- the rosicrucian enlightenment
frances a yates
- giordano bruno
- the rosicrucian enlightenment
- giordano bruno and the hermetic tradition
frances yates
- the rosicrucian enlightenment
francis a yates
- new atlantis
- on the advancement of learning
francis bacon
- david hume's argument against miracles: a critical analysis
francis beckwith
- the astonishing hypothesis
- the astonishing hypothesis: the scientific search for the soul
francis crick
- rainbow body and the resurrection
francis tiso
- dune
frank herbert
- the intellectual legacy of victor and edith turner
frank salamone
- the wretched of the earth
frantz fanon
- the practice of magical evocation
franz bardon
- primitive art
franz boas
- the trial
franz kafka
- alchemy as a way of salvation
- living religions of the world
- the integral philosophy of sri aurobindo
frederic spiegelberg
- narrative of the life of an american slave
frederick douglass
- thinkonomics
frederick eikerenkoetter
- the odessa file
frederick forsyth
- gestalt therapy verbatim
frederick perls
- the will to power
- beyond good and evil
- thus spoke zarathustra
- on the genealogy of morals
- schopenhauer as educator
- the dionysian vision of the world
friedrich nietzsche
- the tao of physics
fritjof capra
- crime and punishment
fyodor dostoevsky
- the road to eleusis
g gordon wasson
- struggle of the magicians
- meetings with remarkable men
g i gurdjieff
- aion
- answer to job
- flying saucers
- psychological reflections
- the psychology of kundalini yoga
- the archetypes and the collective unconscious
g jung
- 1984
g orwell
- healing the fisher king
g scott sparrow
- in the realm of hungry ghosts
gabor maté
- william james on psychical research
gardner murphy
- the afterlife experiments
gary e schwartz
- swedenborg
- jung the mystic
- rudolf steiner
- dark star rising
- aleister crowley
- in search of p. d. ouspensky
- the return of holy russia
- lost knowledge of the imagination
- the quest for hermes trigmegistus
- beyond the robot: the life and work of colin wilson
- rudolf steiner: an introduction to his life and work
- swedenborg: an introduction to his life and studies
- madame blavatsky: the mother of modern spirituality
- dark star rising: magicking and power in the age of trump
- rudolf steiner: an introduction to his life and his work
- aleister crowley: magick, rock and roll, and the wickedest man in the world
gary lachman
- the afterlife experiments
gary schwartz
- the seeker king: elvis presley
gary tillery
- the seat of the soul
- the dancing wu li masters
gary zukav
- howard hughes
geoff schumacher
- canterbury tales
geoffrey chaucer
- music forms
- clairvoyant investigations
geoffrey hodson
- the yoga-sutra of patanjali
- the yoga sutras of patanjali
georg feuerstein
- the phenomenology of spirit
georg hegel
- the science of logic
georg wilhelm friedrich hegel
- principles of human knowledge
- a treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge
george berkeley
- heaven's gate
george d chryssides
- psychoanalysis and the occult
george devereux
- silas marner
george eliot
- the trickster and the paranormal
george hanson
- metaphors we live by
george lakoff
- education and ecstasy
george leonard
- the russian cosmists
george m young
- the trickster and the paranormal
george p hanson
- suggestology
georgi lozanov
- chronicles of spirit photography
georgiana houghton
- coming into the light: rituals of egyptian magic
gerald betty schueler
- i heard the owl call my name
gerald di pego
- dromenon
- the five ages of man
- the source of civilization
- the riddle of the flying saucers
gerald heard
- kabbalah
gershom scholem
- the life and practice of richard price
gestalt biography
- new science
giambattista vico
- oration on the dignity of man
giovanni pico della mirandola
- my years with edgar cayce
gladys davis turner
- complete writings
- my life in two worlds
gladys osborne leonard
- the nazi hydra in america
glen yeadon john hawkins
- original politics: making america sacred again
- original thinking: a radical revisioning of time, humanity, and nature
glenn aparicio parry
- unveiled mysteries
godfre ray king
- the lost mandate of heaven
godfrey shaw
- theory of colors
- schizotypy
gordon claridge
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gottfried wilhelm leibnitz
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graham hancock
- weird realism: lovecraft and philosophy
graham harman
- the scole experiment
grant jane solomon
- comparative anatomy of angels
- nanna or the soul-life of plants
- the little book of life after death
gustav theodor fechner
- from the unconscious to the conscious
- materializations: experimente mit m. franek kluski
- clairvoyance and materialization: a record of experiments
gustave geley
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guy levy
- twin telepathy
guy lyon playfair
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h bellin
- blake and swedenborg
h f bellin
- evidence of personal survival from cross-correspondences
h f saltmarsh
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hal puthoff
- the pauli-jung conjecture
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- iago: the strategies of evil
harold bloom
- ask the master
harold klemp
- mind reach: scientists look at psychic ability
harold puthoff russell targ
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harrison ford
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hazrat inayat khan
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heartmath institute
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- social organization the science of man
henri de saint simon
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- mundus imaginalis
- jung, buddha, and the incarnation of sophia
- mundus imaginalis: or the imaginal and the imaginary
- mundus imaginalis: or the imaginary and the imaginal
henry corbin
- walden
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- sr., the secret of swedenborg
- sr., morality and the perfect life
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henry stapp
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- the relaxation revolution
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hereward carrington sylvan muldoon
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- blick ins chaos
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human nature
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ian fleming
- a face on cydonia
ian j miller
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ian mccabe
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ian mcgilchrist
- handbook of critical psychology
ian parker
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ian parrott
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- where reincarnation and biology intersect
- telepathic impressions: a review and report of thirty-five new cases
- reincarnation and biology: a contribution to the etiology of birthmarks and birth defects
ian stevenson
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ida p rolf
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isaac bonewits
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j newby
- the unfolding god of jung and milton
j p driscoll
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j r r tolkien
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j w dunne
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- damned facts
- paranthropology
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- engaging the anomalous
- greening the paranormal: exploring the ecology of extraordinary experience
jack hunter
- talking with the spirits
jack hunter david luke
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- destiny matrix
jack sarfatti
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jack weatherford
- the signature of all things
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jacob moreno
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- of grammatology
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- margins of philosophy
- psyche: inventions of the other
- resistances of psychoanalysis
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jacques lacan
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- passport to magonia
- the network revolution
- dimensions: a casebook of alien contact
- passport to magonia: from folklore to flying saucers
jacques vallee
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jaideva singh
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- god, war, and providence
james a warren
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james alcock
- first sight: esp and parapsychology in everyday life
james c carpenter
- the unfolding god of jung and milton
james driscoll
- signs of reincarnation
james g matlock
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james gleik
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james hillman
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james joyce
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james lovelock
- signs of reincarnation
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- identity in shakespearean drama
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- the unfolding god of jung and milton
james p driscoll
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- ireland i don't recognize who she is
- the mystical accord: sutras to suit our times, lines for spiritual evolution
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james turrell
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- the education of oversoul 7
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- a complaint is a gift
- branded customer service
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- the shamans of prehistory: trance and magic in the painted caves
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- esalen: america and the religion of no religions
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johann wolfgang goethe
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johann wolfgang von goethe
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john c lilly
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john desmond bernal
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john e mack
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- arigo: surgeon of the rusty knife
john g fuller
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john gribbon and martin rees
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john locke
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john m barry
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john maynard keynes
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john mccarthy
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john mctaggart
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- commentary on the book of revelation
john nelson darby
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john paul sartre
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john thomas william macdougall
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- wherever you go, there you are
jon kabat-zinn
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jon klimo
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- the hero with a thousand faces
- the power of myth with bill moyers
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- man a machine
julien offray de la mettrie
- directed by desire
june jordan
- psychology in diversity, diversity in psychology
jürgen kremer
- one flew over the cuckoo's nest
k kesey
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- grandma, what is a soul?
- you're not finished yet
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karen frances mccarthy
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- the cloud upon the sanctuary
karl eckhartshausen
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ken kawasaki
- one flew over the cuckoo's nest
ken kesey
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ken wilber
- how real people ought to live
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- western esotericism: a brief history of secret knowledge
kocku von stuckrad
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l principe
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l ron hubbard
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larry dossey
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- happiness genes: unlocking the potential hidden in your dna
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laurie nadel
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- landscapes of the mind
lawrence leshan
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lawrence sutin
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leroy little bear
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- burma's revolution of the spirit: the struggle for democratic freedom and dignity
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linda lane magallon
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lord buckley
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lord dowding
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- boundless: your how-to guide to practical remote viewing
lori lambert williams
- boundless: your how-to guide to practical remote viewing
lori williams
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louis lagrand
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luigi ficacci
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lunaea weatherstone
- leonard and soule experiments in psychical research
lydia allison
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- the seventh sense: the secrets of remote viewing as told by a "psychic spy" for the u.s. military
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- of water and the spirit
malidoma some
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- the great angel: a study of israel's second god
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margaret runyan castaneda
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- the concept of time
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- history of the concept of time
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- elucidations of hölderlin's poetry
- the basic problems of phenomenology
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martin sheen
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mary losure
- quo vadis
mary mcaleese
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- jott: when things disappear and come back or relocate and why it really happens
mary rose barrington
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mary shelley
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- lumen naturae
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- in the minds of millions
matthew manning
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maurice barbanell
- what is spiritualism?
- great moments in modern mediumship, vol. 1
- great moments in modern mediumship, vol. 2
- what the great mediums have taught us about spirit guides
- grounds in your coffee: an idiot's guide to coffee tasseography
- what the great mediums have taught us about spiritual healing
maxine meilleur
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mel gibson
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menas kafatos robert nadeau
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- when life nearly died
michael benton
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michael cremo
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- frontiers of the soul
- experiencing the next world now
- the final choice: death or transcendence?
- soulmaking: uncommon paths to self understanding
- the millennium myth: love and death and the end of time
- soulmaker: true stories from the far side of the psyche
- irreducible mind: toward a psychology for the 21st century
- wings of ecstasy: dominico bernini's vita of st. joseph of copertino
- the man who could fly: st. joseph of copertino and the mystery of levitation
michael grosso
- the templars: the history and the myth
michael haag
- when life nearly died
michael j benton
- your emotional type
- the spiritual anatomy of emotion
michael jawer
- true work
- true work: doing what you love and loving what you do
michael justine toms
- revolutionary love
michael lerner
- fahrenheit 911
michael moore
- golf in the kingdom
- the future of the body
michael murphy
- the psychic side of sports
michael murphy and rhea a white
- the psychic side of sports
michael murphy rhea white
- space-time transients
michael persinger
- mrs. piper and the society for psychical research
michael sage
- reasoning
michael scriven
- friend to mankind: marsilio ficino
- friend to mankind: marcelino ficino, 1433 - 1499
michael shephard
- the holographic universe
michael talbot
- jack doyle: fighting for love
michael taub
- a glossary of terms used in parapsychology
michael thalbourne
- resurrecting leonora piper
michael tymn
- isaac newton: the last sorcerer
michael white
- abnormal
- power/knowledge
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- the archeology of knowledge
michel foucault
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michio kaku
- tragic sense of life
miguel de unamuno
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milton friedman
- shamanism: archaic techniques of ecstasy
mircea eliade
- the roots of consciousness
- occult america
- one simple idea
- the miracle club
- awakened mind: how thoughts create reality
- magician of the beautiful: an introduction to neville goddard
- the ideal realized: practical instructions from neville goddard
mitch horowitz
- thus spoke the plant
monica gagliano
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montague ullman
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- enchiridion ethicum
- how to do all things: your use of divine power
morya mark age
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muldoon carrington
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murray shanahan
- jung's map of the soul
murray stein
- mapuche: seeds of the chilean soul
museo chileno
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n c panda
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nadia nurhussain
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- how to talk to an alien
nancy du tertre
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nandor fodor
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naomi pasachoff
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- a republic if you can keep it
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- simply complexity
neil johnson
- atomic physics and human knowledge
neils bohr
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- part 2: annika's life story
- part 1: two souls in one body
- part 3: tristan's life story
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- resurrection
- at your command
- where is golgatha?
- the knowledge of god
neville goddard
- the occult roots of nazism
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- the comprehensibility of the universe: a new view of science
nicholas maxwell
- shambhala
- realm of light
nicholas roerich
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nick bostrom
- the hunt for zero point
nick cook
- the divine and the human
nicolas berdyaev
- on the revolutions of the heavenly spheres
nicolaus copernicus
- the will to power
- on truth in philosophy
- my inventions
nikola tesla
- the russian idea
nikolai berdyaev
- what was man created for?
nikolai fedorov
- the saviors of god
nikos kazantzakis
- the strange case of hellish nell
nina shandler
- theosony: toward a theology of listening
nóirín ní riain
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nolan bushnell
- the psychic world of peter hurkos
norma lee browning
- love's body
norman o brown
- american family
norman rockwell
- living bliss
norman shealy
- the power of positive thinking
norman vincent peale
- spiritus mundi
northrop frye
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o spengler
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ola raknes
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- the star maker
olaf stapledon
- lsd spirituality and the creative process
oscar janiger
- de profundis
oscar wilde
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- conjuring up philip
- romanticism comes of age
owen barfield
- letters from russia 1919
- in search of the miraculous
p d ouspensky
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p dick
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p k dick
- future memory
p m h atwater
- the three dangerous magi
p mistlberger
- a serpent path primer
p sufenus verius lupus
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pamela l travers
- george ivanovitch gurdjieff
pamela travers
- belisarius
paolo belzoni
- journal of parapsychology
parapsychological association
- liberator: the life and death of daniel o'connell
patrick geoghegan
- daimonic reality: a field guide to the other world
patrick harpur
- keeping at it: the quest for sound money and good government
paul a volcker
- the sheltering sky
paul bowles
- places of power
- shamanism and the mystery lines
paul devereux
- reading the enemy's mind
paul h smith
- skepticism and humanism: the new paradigm
paul kurtz
- the quantum revelation
- dispelling wetiko: breaking the curse of evil
- dispelling the wetiko: breaking the curse of evil
- awakened by darkness: when evil becomes your father
- the madness of george w. bush: a reflection of our collective psychosis
paul levy
- angel on my shoulder
paul muni
- time machines
paul nahin
- the heart's code
paul pearsall
- nazis and the occult
paul roland
- space time matter: modern kaluza-klein theory
paul s wesson
- the new being
paul tillich
- the far country
- the eck satsang discourses
paul twitchell
- our lord's mother visits egypt 1968 & 1969
pearl zaki
- strange angel
- prometheus unbound
percy bysshe shelley
- london: the biography
peter ackroyd
- the individuation of god
peter b todd
- the american deep state
peter dale scott
- the truth in the light
- shining light on transcendence
peter fenwick
- nietzsche and the death of god
peter fritzsche
- the satanic scriptures
peter gilmore
- the rage against god
peter hitchens
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