Scientific and Medical Network Why I’m Interested in Psychical Research Professor John Poynton Why I’m Interested in Psychical Research Professor John Poynton Published on July 2, 2017 Share
CLASSIC REBOOT: Deeper into the MysterywithWhitley Strieber May 31, 2024In this video from 2023, he continues his multi-decades exploration into the nature of the “Visitor” phenomena he has been confronting since 1985.
Reincarnation in JapanwithOhkado Masayuki July 10, 2024Here he describes his intellectual journal from the study of linguistics to reincarnation. He discusses the famous Katsugoro case from the 1800s, and shares how this exploration has affected him personally.
The Simple and the Complex, Part 2,withMurray Gell-Mann May 25, 2024The late Nobel laureate Murray Gell-Mann (1929 – 2019) addresses the relationship between the world of everyday experience and the mysterious world of subatomic particles. He points out that chaos theory shows that many large-scale events are extremely sensitive to initial conditions. Regarding complexity, he says that random systems which are difficult to describe may [...]
CLASSIC REBOOT: The Spiritualist Vision of the AfterlifewithStafford Betty June 17, 2024In this video, originally recorded in 2015, he points out that the spiritualist vision of the afterlife has been generated over the past 150 years because of the testimony of ostensible spirits speaking through trance mediums. This literature has been extensively scrutinized by scientists and, in the best instances, is often accompanied by information that [...]
Unlocking Your BodywithThomas Hanna (1928 – 1990) June 15, 2024According to Thomas Hanna, many of the effects of aging — aching muscles and joints, stooped posture, stiffness and weakness — are unnecessary and reversible. These problems are not due to structural weaknesses in the body but to sensory-motor amnesia which can be corrected. He demonstrates several reflex responses which can become locked into the [...]
Sorting Truth from Fiction in UFO/UAP Narratives June 30, 2024Link to full interview:
Overcoming KarmawithRJ Spina February 2, 2022RJ shares his intuitive insight that karma is based upon the attachments we form. He describes several kinds of karma – based on thoughts, speech, behaviors, and our sense of identity. He maintains that our true nature is pure beingness, i.e., “I am” with no further qualifications. He reflects on how this insight can free [...]
The Power of RitualwithAnna Halprin (1920 – 2021) January 1, 2022Anna Halprin, author of Dance as a Healing Art, has spent many years of practical experience in collaborative programs incorporating modern American dance with treatment protocols for cancer and AIDS patients. As a cancer survivor herself, eighty year old Anna Halprin brings a genuine authenticity to her presentation, offering uplifting insights and the wisdom off [...]