Why is it such a taboo to talk about UFOs/UAPs?
June 25, 2024
Link to full interview:
In 1983, I conducted a weather modification operation in Israel (sponsored by Richard Fox, a Philadelphia businessman). For the previous six years the water level in the Sea of Galilee had decreased every year until reaching dangerously low levels in 1983. Most farming in Israel depends upon water from this source.
A reconnaissance the previous year and the clearing of all potential legal issues paved the way for our beginning operations in January, when the rainy season usually begins. At that time certain meteorological factors come into play, which will be described in the oral presentation. Needless to say we wanted to optimize our possibilities so began working in Haifa at that time.
I and my companion, who provided major assistance throughout the entire trip, utilized a device that Wilhelm Reich had invented that he labeled the “cloudbuster” because of its ready ability to break up clouds when operated in a certain way. It is a simple apparatus made up of six (in our work) ten-foot-long metal pipes 1/12 inch in diameter, “grounded” by flexible metal cable into running water. The pipes are attached to a wooden “Lazy Susan”–type base that can be readily rotated and elevated.
Utilizing what Reich called the “orgonomic potential” in the atmosphere one is able to have clouds concentrate and, in time, produce rain over the site of operations. This is functionally the reverse of cloudbusting.
Operating at the beach with the pipes grounded into the Mediterranean Sea on a cloudless day with no rain or clouds in the past several weeks and no rain expected within 48 hours, the limits of accurate prediction in those days, we succeeded in bringing clouds and rain within 24 hours at the Haifa location. Utilizing essentially the same type of operating protocol we moved in leaps south along the coast generating rain at each stop as the storm systems built and followed us.
Moving East we crossed Israel, stopping once before arriving at the Negev, the vast desert which makes up a good part of Israel. Operating in the desert and then at Elat, at the southernmost tip of Israel, we succeeded in bringing rain to most of the state, including the desert.
Weather reports noted that the water level in the Sea of Galilee was above that expected for that time of year and that rainfall there on the 24 and 25th of January, when we were in Elat, was heavier in the South compared to what it was in the North, an anomalous situation, but consistent with our intentions.
Recorded at the 31st annual SSE Conference in 2012 at the Millennium Hotel in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
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Published on November 14, 2018