The Reality and Significance of MagickwithDean Radin January 9, 2025Dean Radin, PhD, is chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Science in Novato, California. He is author of The Conscious Universe, Entangled Minds, Supernormal, and Real Magic.
Eric Dullin | Macro-PK Experiments: Control, Repeatability, Distance Effects & Confinement Effect October 16, 2024Macro-PK Experiments: Level of Control – Repeatability – Distance Effect – Confinement Effect
Gerhard Mayer | Magic and Its Evaluation – Reports and Views of Practitioners October 11, 2024Magic and Its Evaluation – Reports and Views of Practitioners
InPresence 255Can Thoughts and Prayers Reduce Gun Violence? October 18, 2023In this monologue/dialogue, Jeffrey Mishlove reviews the project from the previous winter in which he ostensibly engaged with the deceased Ted Owens to affect the weather in Ukraine. He offers different possible interpretations of that project; and speculates about the possibility of a new project that would be both socially and scientifically meaningful. He then [...]
Toward a “Parapsychological Synthesis”: Proposals for Integrating Theories for Psi | Michael Nahm September 10, 2023Dr. Michael Nahm is a biologist at the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health (IGPP) in Freiburg, Germany. His research interests include 1) the links between unsolved mysteries in biology and parapsychology, and 2) unusual near-death phenomena. Nahm has published four books and more than 100 scientific articles.
Mind-Matter Interactions: Overcoming Descartes’ Dualism | Markus Maier July 23, 2023Dr. Markus Maier is a professor of psychology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich, Germany, and he is head of the research unit “Emotion and Motivation”. His research focuses on the relationship between mind and matter, precognition and free will.
What Do We Want from a Theory in Parapsychology? | Christopher Roe July 21, 2023Chris Roe, PhD, is Professor of psychology at the University of Northampton, UK. He is Director of the Centre for Psychology and Sociology that incorporates a special interest group focusing on exceptional experiences and consciousness studies.
Classic Reboot: The Relationship of Psyche and MatterwithTodd Hayen May 4, 2023Todd Hayen, PhD, is author of Ancient Egypt and Modern Psychotherapy: Sacred Science and the Search for Soul. He is a psychotherapist in private practice in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
InPresence 250Psychic Social Psychology April 4, 2023Here he points to salient psychological and sociological variables that impact both psychic belief systems and psychic laboratory performance.
CLASSIC REBOOT: Reflections On The PK ManwithDebra Lynne Katz December 2, 2022Debra Lynne Katz, MSW, PhD, is both a talented remote viewer and a psychic reader. She is author of You Are Psychic: The Art of Psychic Reading & Healing, Extraordinary Psychic: Proven Techniques to Master Your Natural Psychic Abilities, and Freeing the Genie Within: Manifesting Abundance, Creativity, and Success in Life. She is coauthor, with Jon [...]
CLASSIC REBOOT: The PK ManwithStephen E. Braude November 28, 2022Stephen Braude, PhD, is an emeritus professor and former chairman of the philosophy department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He has also served as president of the Parapsychological Association. He is author of The Limits of Influence: Psychokinesis and the Philosophy of Science, First Person Plural: Multiple Personality and the Philosophy of Mind, [...]
CLASSIC REBOOT: The Case of the Gold Leaf LadywithStephen E. Braude November 25, 2022Stephen Braude, PhD, is an emeritus professor and former chairman of the philosophy department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He has also served as president of the Parapsychological Association. He is author of The Limits of Influence: Psychokinesis and the Philosophy of Science, First Person Plural: Multiple Personality and the Philosophy of Mind, [...]
Searching for UFOswithCaroline Cory May 23, 2022Caroline Cory is a filmmaker, author, teacher, and healer. Her books include Holy Crocodile: Stories of Saints and the Animals Who Helped Them, The Visible and Invisible Worlds of God, God Among Us: Inside the Mind of Divine Masters, and The Divine Plan: Now and Beyond 2250. Her documentaries include Superhuman: From the Invisible to [...]
Alien ConsciousnesswithPaul Smith May 20, 2022Paul H. Smith, PhD, is a founder and past-president of the International Remote Viewing Association. A former Army intelligence officer, he served for seven years as part of the military’s top secret remote viewing program. Later, he earned a doctoral degree in philosophy. He is the author of Reading the Enemy’s Mind and The Essential [...]
The Effect of Unconscious Needs on Micro-Psychokinesis | Marissa-Julia Jakob December 7, 2021Marissa-Julia Jakob, Ph.D. student at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Germany presents a quantum-based solution to the hard problem of mind-matter interaction, exploring how one’s unconscious thoughts may affect the outcome of their reality.
The Effect of Context and Supernatural Belief on Cognition | Malcolm Schofield December 3, 2021Dr. Malcolm Schofield of the Human Sciences Research Centre at the University of Derby England examines how contextual priming, as well as an individual’s implicit paranormal and religious beliefs, may affect their general cognition. This investigation is based on the theory of “alief” which finds that an individual’s explicit beliefs are not always reflected in [...]
A Transportable Bench to Research Telekinetic Effects on a Spinning Mobile | Eric Dullin November 6, 2021Eric Dullin, researcher at the Psychophysics and Cognitive Dissonance Laboratory (LAPDC) in France follows up on his previous telekinesis and psychokinesis (TK/PK) research by designing a spinning mobile device that leaves only thermic and aerodynamic variables present. The new mobile allows for precise analysis of motion, making it an ideal configuration for TK/PK experiments.