Life’s Defining MomentswithDavis Brimberg May 3, 2024Davis K. Brimberg, PhD, is a clinical psychologist. She has also studied dance and theater extensively as an adolescent and young adult. She is author of Teachings From the Gatekeeper: A Memoir and Journey into Parapsychology.
Playing in the Field: Exploring Children’s Unexplained Experiences | Donna Thomas January 19, 2024Donna has researched with children for the last 20 years on different areas of social life. In 2019, Donna was awarded with “Best Paper” by the British Psychological Society and has presented at the Science of Consciousness Conference (2020). Donna has appeared as a guest on different podcasts and recently presented at the Arthur Conan [...]
Near-Death ReflectionswithElizabeth Krohn December 22, 2021Elizabeth Krohn is first author (with Professor Jeffrey Kripal) of Changed in a Flash: One Woman’s Near-Death Experience and Why a Scholar Thinks It Empowers Us All.