Mateus Martinez | Unusual Experiences of The Survival Type in Brazilian and British Children January 20, 2025Unusual Experiences of The Survival Type in Brazilian and British Children: Research in Progress
Annette Zwickel | Are Exceptional Experiences (ExE) Subclinical Symptoms of a Psychosis Continuum? January 13, 2025Are Phenomena that Constitute Exceptional Experiences (ExE) Subclinical Symptoms of a Psychosis Continuum?
Christine Simmonds Moore | Traversing Boundaries and Accessing the Invisible January 6, 2025Invited Speaker Address: Traversing Boundaries and Accessing the Invisible
Christine Simmonds Moore | Testing for Individual Differences in Anomalous InteractionswithObjects October 23, 2024Testing for Individual Differences in Anomalous Interactions with Objects (Psychometry)
Playing in the Field: Exploring Children’s Unexplained Experiences | Donna Thomas January 19, 2024Donna has researched with children for the last 20 years on different areas of social life. In 2019, Donna was awarded with “Best Paper” by the British Psychological Society and has presented at the Science of Consciousness Conference (2020). Donna has appeared as a guest on different podcasts and recently presented at the Arthur Conan [...]
Critical Approaches to Exceptional Experiences | Jacob Glazier January 18, 2024Jacob W. Glazier, PhD, LPC, NCC holds an Assistant Professor of Psychology appointment in the Department of Anthropology, Sociology, and Psychology at the University of West Georgia. His research program explores the problematics of exceptional experience, psi as a critique of physicalist science, and the deconstruction of skeptical explanations of the paranormal: How can researchers [...]
Rorschach Inkblot Test and Parapsychology | Renaud Evrard September 11, 2023Renaud Evrard is a clinical psychologist and assistant professor of psychology at the University of Lorraine, in Nancy, France. He’s a professional member of the Parapsychological Association (Student co-representative in 2010), Board Member (since 2014-2019), President (2019-2021), and is a member of the Society for Psychical Research, the Society for Scientific Exploration, and of the [...]
The Effect of Unconscious Needs on Micro-Psychokinesis | Marissa-Julia Jakob December 7, 2021Marissa-Julia Jakob, Ph.D. student at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Germany presents a quantum-based solution to the hard problem of mind-matter interaction, exploring how one’s unconscious thoughts may affect the outcome of their reality.
The Effect of Context and Supernatural Belief on Cognition | Malcolm Schofield December 3, 2021Dr. Malcolm Schofield of the Human Sciences Research Centre at the University of Derby England examines how contextual priming, as well as an individual’s implicit paranormal and religious beliefs, may affect their general cognition. This investigation is based on the theory of “alief” which finds that an individual’s explicit beliefs are not always reflected in [...]
A Transportable Bench to Research Telekinetic Effects on a Spinning Mobile | Eric Dullin November 6, 2021Eric Dullin, researcher at the Psychophysics and Cognitive Dissonance Laboratory (LAPDC) in France follows up on his previous telekinesis and psychokinesis (TK/PK) research by designing a spinning mobile device that leaves only thermic and aerodynamic variables present. The new mobile allows for precise analysis of motion, making it an ideal configuration for TK/PK experiments.
Influence of the Global Geomagnetic Field in an Online Psi Experiment | Dean Radin October 23, 2021Dean Radin, Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) explores how geomagnetic forces affect peoples’ psi performance through an online map dowsing experiment.
A Test of Telepathy Using Immersive Virtual Reality | David Vernon October 14, 2021David Vernon, Thomas Sandford, and Eric Moyo, Lecturers of the Canterbury Christ Church University explored how virtual reality may be used to augment and enhance telepathic connections between two emotionally connected individuals.
A Reconsideration of Sheldrake’s Theory of Morphic Resonance | Hitchman & Roe October 9, 2021Glenn Hitchman and Chris Roe, Professors of Psychology at the University of Northampton, examine Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of morphic resonance via laboratory-based studies. While empirically testable, there are few formal scientific studies on Morphic Resonance Theory, much of them lacking peer review.
Dimensions of The Exceptional | Wolfgang Fach October 5, 2021Wolfgang Fach, researcher at the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health, Germany delves into the nature of exceptional experiences (EE) and a proposed basic system of classification. By using fundamental principles from Metzinger’s theory of mental representations, Fach has devised a compact questionnaire for the assessment of EE, known as PAGE-R.
A Transliminal ‘Dis-Ease’ Model of ‘Poltergeist Agents’ | Annalisa Ventola July 12, 2021Annalisa Ventola, Executive Director of the Parapsychological Association, presents a transliminal model of ghostly episodes, based on a multi-laboratory meta-analysis relating poltergeist experiences with transliminality.
RSPK 4.0 – When Ghosts Dance out of Line | Walter von Lucadou July 10, 2021Walter von Lucadou, head of the Parapsychological Counselling Office at Freiburg (WGFP), presents the new version of the Freiburg RSPK Model, synthesizing six different profiles according to their phenomenology and characteristics.
Human Intuition | Jon Taylor July 5, 2021Jon Taylor, MA in Natural Sciences, aims to show that intuition requires contact with the future and is explainable in terms of psi.
The “Amneville’s Poltergeist” – A RSPK Case | Renaud Evrard July 3, 2021Renaud Evrard, professor at the University of Lorraine, analyses the Amneville recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis (RSPK or poltergeist) case, following the Model of Pragmatic Information.