Christine Simmonds Moore | Traversing Boundaries and Accessing the Invisible January 6, 2025Invited Speaker Address: Traversing Boundaries and Accessing the Invisible
Understanding Your KarmawithEdi Bilimoria October 25, 2024Edi Bilimoria, DPhil, FIMechE, CEng, is a Consultant Engineer and has been Project Manager and Head of Design for major projects such as the Channel Tunnel. He is a Trustee of the Scientific and Medical Network, Adviser to the Galileo Commission of the Network, a Trustee and a Council Member of the Francis Bacon Society, [...]
Zen and KoanswithHenry Shukman September 20, 2024Henry Shukman, MA, is the Spiritual Director Emeritus of Mountain Cloud Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He is a teacher in the Sanbo Zen lineage and has trained in various other meditation schools and practices. He has been authorized to teach Mindfulness by Shinzen Young and is a certified dreamwork therapist. Henry is [...]
InPresence 237Om Shanti Shanti November 24, 2021This is Jeffrey Mishlove’s sixth experiment in creating a series of short phrases that describe the succession of sixty mental states experienced throughout a week of meditation. Jeffrey states that this process is and is not poetry, is and is not meditation. It is something of a blend between the two. He continues to request [...]
Live StreamwithEmmy Vadnais January 3, 2021Emmy Vadnais is author of Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality