Exploring CreativitywithNew Thinking Allowed Volunteer Jeremiah Broadway
July 7, 2024
00:00 Introduction
Rev. Karen E. Herrick, PhD, is an interfaith minister and also a psychologist. She is author of The Psychology of the Soul and the Paranormal as well as You’re Not Finished Yet and Grandma, What Is a Soul? Her therapy practice focuses on adult children from dysfunctional homes. Her website is https://www.karenherrick.com/.
Here she acknowledges that early childhood trauma typically leads to dissociative states of consciousness that can be conducive to psychic functioning. She describes her own process of dealing with an alcoholic parent and husband, as well as incest. She also describes a powerful spiritual rebirth experience that took place within the context of a holotropic breathing workshop. She explains the role of spiritual experiences within a psychotherapeutic context.
(Recorded on May 14, 2020)
Published on May 19, 2020
We do not yet have transcripts available for this interview.
If you are be interested in helping us transcribe into any language, including English, please email friends@newthinkingallowed.org.