Exercises for AwakeningwithSuzanne Giesemann
July 26, 2024
Here she shares a variety of spiritual practices that have become integrated into her way of life, and the awakening way that she teaches.
On December 26th, 2016, Dr. Julia Mossbridge (Visiting Scientist, Institute for Noetic Sciences, Director Focus@Will, Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, Northwestern University and faculty for the PF’s ParaMOOC17) gave a presentation at the Pavillion Auditorium of the sim EVRE: Time, Consciousness and the Paranormal, a Linden Endowment for the Arts installation (LEA27, open from September 3rd through December 30th, 2016) created by virtual world artist and builder Tahiti Rae. The complete title of her presentation was “Prediction and Productivity: Better Living through Non-Conscious Processing.” Dr. Mossbridge described the presentiment experiments that she and colleagues can completed and discussed their implications for our understanding of the limits of human perception.
The series of lectures that included talks by Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone, Dr. Dean Radin, and Dr. Dick Bierman as well were a result of a collaboration between Tahiti Rae the visionary builder of Evre and Dr. Zingrone. Tahiti Rae and the Parapsychology Foundation, of which Dr Zingrone is a Research Fellow, would like to thank Dr. Mossbridge and her colleagues for their participation in this unique event.
For more information about the Parapsychology Foundation, go to https://www.parapsychology.org.
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Published on July 30, 2017