Exploring CreativitywithNew Thinking Allowed Volunteer Jeremiah Broadway
July 7, 2024
00:00 Introduction
Presented by Dr Alejandro Parra, Universidad Abierta Interamericana (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Full title: Unusual Perceptual Experiences in Hospital Settings and Anomalous Experiences in Nurses
Abstract. There is a large number of unusual experiences on the part of doctors, caregivers, and nurses, sometimes in relation to hospitalized patients; however, although such professionals have themselves been witness to inexplicable events. Dozens of unexplained experiences, such as visions in people about to die, near-death experiences, or patients who recover suddenly and totally from illnesses after a religious intervention. Nurses themselves have often had their own experiences in a hospital context, such as seeing apparitions, noting significant “coincidences, ”seeing energy fields, lights, or “electric shocks” around ‒or coming out of‒ a hospitalized patient, observing anomalous behavior in animals, anomalous functioning of equipment or medical instruments, intuitively “knowing”the nature of a patient’s illness or when he or she will die, or having unexpected experiences in intensive care units, neonatology areas, or pediatric or neuropsychiatric services.
Presenter biography: Alejandro Parra, PhD, is a psychologist and psychotherapist in private practice. He is Senior Researcher in Psychology at the Universidad Abierta Interamericana at Buenos Aires. Parra is also the Director of the Institute of Paranormal Psychology [web site www.alipsi.com.ar] and has served as President of the Parapsychological Association. He is the author of various books, including Fenómenos Paranormales [Paranormal Phenomena] (Kier, 2003), Los Poderes de la Mente [The Powers of the Mind] (Corona Borealis, 2010) and ¿Qué es … la Sensibilidad Psíquica? [What is … Psychic Sensibility?] (Deva´s, 2010)
Moderated by Dr Nancy L Zingrone
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The Parapsychology Research and Education annual course (also known as the ParaMOOC series) is a joint effort by the Parapsychology Foundation and the Alvarado Zingrone Institute for Research and Education.
More information the Parapsychology Foundation, the course, and the field go to https://parapsychology.org
Published on June 25, 2019