Organizing Remote Viewing ProjectswithLori Williams

Books Mentioned In This Interview

lori lambert williams boundless: your how-to guide to practical remote viewing lyn buchanan the seventh sense: the secrets of remote viewing as told by a "psychic spy" for the u.s. military joseph mcmoneagle memoirs of a psychic spy nina shandler the strange case of hellish nell kathlyn rhea the psychic is you russell targ third eye spies

Lori Williams is author of Monitoring: A Guide for Remote Viewing and Professional Intuitive Teams and also Boundless: Your How-To Guide To Practical Remote Viewing. She is founder and president of Intuitive Specialists. She is very active as a trainer of remote viewers. Her website is

Here she focuses on the many nuances and subtleties associated with the practical applications of remote viewing. Issues discussed include properly formulating research questions, telepathic leakage, front-loading, pollution, and ethical considerations. She notes that project organizers typically put in ten times as many hours on a project as remote viewers.

(Recorded on January 29, 2020)

Russell Targ, Third Eye Spies (video) –

Published on March 11, 2020


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