Institute of Noetic Sciences consciousness ESP experience ions meditation mystical Noetic psi psychic science Sciences skeptical telepathy transpersonal Nina Fry Kinzler at Soul Science Summit Nina Fry-Kizler was interviewed by Felicity Doyle during the recent Soul Science Summit. Special thanks to her for organizing the event and providing the recording for all to enjoy: Published on July 9, 2024 Share
The Merits of a Vegan DietwithGina Carr April 5, 2024Here she discusses her own personal journal and provides an overview of the merits of the vegan lifestyle.
Cultural AstronomywithAlison Chester-Lambert May 20, 2024Alison describes cultural astronomy as how much the sky has influenced cultures throughout history.
Unlocking Your BodywithThomas Hanna (1928 – 1990) June 15, 2024According to Thomas Hanna, many of the effects of aging — aching muscles and joints, stooped posture, stiffness and weakness — are unnecessary and reversible. These problems are not due to structural weaknesses in the body but to sensory-motor amnesia which can be corrected. He demonstrates several reflex responses which can become locked into the [...]
Exploring Drugs and CulturewithMike Jay April 15, 2024This wide-ranging interview provides something of an overview of Mike Jays research into all aspects of drugs and culture.
Spiritual Guidance & Military Remote ViewingwithSkip Atwater April 12, 2024Here he reviews many lesser known details concerning how the United States Army initiated and sustained a remote viewing program.
The Birth TraumawithStanislav Grof June 8, 2024What is the origin of individual behavior and personality? Stanislav Grof proposes that individuals have systems of condensed experience (COEX systems) which become anchored to aspects of the birth trauma. Here, he describes four different basic stages of the birth process and shows how they relate to attitudes developed later in life.
PsychonauticswithMike Jay May 17, 2024Here he focuses on the long history, within western science, of researchers exploring the effects and effectiveness of different drugs through self-experimentation.
Intelligent EnergywithRJ Spina November 7, 2021Here he describes a horrible concatination of illnesses that left him with a diagnosis of permanent paralysis below the chest in 2016. He awakened from life-saving surgery with a dysfunctional body – however, he found himself in a state of awareness completely detached from the body that he thinks of as cosmic consciousness. In this [...]
The Artist Francis BaconwithJames Tunney November 12, 2021Here he explores the artistic and intellectual complexities of Francis Bacon (1909 – 1992), one of the most successful artists of the twentieth centuries who paintings have sold for more than $100 million. He points out that Bacon found inspiration in the spiritualist literature and possibly functioned mediumistically himself. Tunney also focuses on Bacon’s artwork [...]