Mario Varvoglis, PhD, has been president of the Institut Métapsychique International in Paris, France, since 1997. He is the author of several books aimed at the French speaking market. He is also the creator of the “Psi Explorer” CD ROM.
Here he addresses many issues concerning the history of parapsychology and psychical research in France, as well as the metaphysical implications of this research.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:48 Paranormal research in France
00:11:00 Defining the paranormal
00:17:54 Theism vs. atheism
00:25:32 Postmortem survival and materialism
00:37:53 Tolerance of ambiguity
00:43:03 The “hard problem” of consciousness
00:54:06 Mathematics and metaphysics
01:01:26 Conclusion
(Recorded on January 25, 2024)
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Published on February 9, 2024