Living in an Apocalyptic AgewithCharles Upton
July 8, 2024
This is an open-ended conversation. It addresses the meaning of “apocalypse” and then delves into deep issues concerning human/divine connection and process.
John Brandenburg, PhD, is a plasma physicist. He is author of Death on Mars, Beyond Einstein’s Unified Field, Life and Death on Mars, Dead Mars Dying Earth, Morningstar Pass, and The GEM Unification Theory.
Here he describes his concerns about nuclear war as he worked in U.S. government weapons laboratories. Eventually he became captivated by the possibility that the “face on Mars” indicated intelligent life elsewhere in our solar system. Further research led him to conclude that the presence of certain isotopes on Mars were evidence of an ancient nuclear war. The discussion concludes with his forays into science fiction writing and his explorations of a government UFO coverup.
(Recorded on February 12, 2020)
To view an edited English transcript of this interview, see
Able Archer 83 –
John Brandenburg, Beyond Einstein’s Unified Field –
Published on February 15, 2020
We do not yet have transcripts available for this interview.
If you are be interested in helping us transcribe into any language, including English, please email