Society for Scientific Exploration Mark Boccuzzi | Mediumship Research SSE-PA members define terms, introduce concepts, and discuss phenomena that may be encountered in the presentations in the upcoming Breakthrough 2022 meeting Published on June 12, 2022 Share
An Open-Ended ConversationwithRobert Falconer June 14, 2024Here he describes his personal journey from a deeply abused and tormented child to becoming a specialist in cases of spirit possession.
The Simple and the Complex, Part 2,withMurray Gell-Mann May 25, 2024The late Nobel laureate Murray Gell-Mann (1929 – 2019) addresses the relationship between the world of everyday experience and the mysterious world of subatomic particles. He points out that chaos theory shows that many large-scale events are extremely sensitive to initial conditions. Regarding complexity, he says that random systems which are difficult to describe may [...]
Awakening of the Goddess SekhmetwithRonnie Pontiac July 19, 2024Here he describes both the ancient Egyptian goddess Sekhment and a contemporary movement involving large numbers of people who feel the presence of this figure in their dreams and in their lives.
CLASSIC REBOOT: Scientist and Mystic Hiroshi MotoyamawithThomas Brophy July 23, 2024In this interview from 2020 he describes the Japanese founder of the California Institute of Human Science, Hiroshi Motoyama (1925 – 2015) who was a parapsychologist, yogi, and Shinto priest. Motoyama is known for his studies related to the meridians of acupuncture as well as the chakras of yoga. He is the inventor of the [...]
Practical Applications of ESPwithKeith Harary July 20, 2024Psychologist Keith Harary, PhD, has worked as both a psychic practitioner in ESP studies and as a researcher at SRI International. Co-author of The Mind Race, Dr. Harary describes the methods he uses for “remote viewing” and the potential practical applications of these techniques in many areas, including a successful parapsychological venture into the silver futures [...]
Radiance of the HeartwithRollin McCraty July 3, 2024Rollin shares his research into heart rate variability, heart-brain communication and the global interconnectivity between people and the earth’s energetic systems. He delves into the energetic/spiritual heart and the science of intuition. He believes humanity’s next shift will be in accessing higher dimensional heart intelligence.
Maurice Nicoll: The Psychology of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky’s Fourth WaywithGary Lachman June 21, 2024Here he weaves a fascinating tapistry involving the ferment in the early twentieth century, including the emergence of depth psychology and a burgeoning esoteric culture including theosophy, anthroposophy, ritual magick, and – particularly – the Fourth Way movement of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky. Maurice Nicoll was in the center of this world.
Jungian MetaphysicswithBernardo Kastrup December 24, 2021Bernardo has launched a new organization, #EssentiaFoundation, and has produced some wonderful short videos that can be viewed at and
Researching the ParanormalwithColm Kelleher January 5, 2022Here, he describes his investigations of paranormal phenomena at the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah starting in 1996. Military interest in the project led to a government funded, two-year research program that generated over 100 reports on UFO activity and related topics – eventually leading to the public disclosure in 2021 of military interest and acknowledgment [...]