Institute of Noetic Sciences Marilyn Schlitz, PhD: Studying Healing in the Laboratory In this segment, Marilyn discusses some of the protocols and evaluative methods used to bring studies on healing into the laboratory. Published on September 16, 2009 Share
CLASSIC REBOOT: Deeper into the MysterywithWhitley Strieber May 31, 2024In this video from 2023, he continues his multi-decades exploration into the nature of the “Visitor” phenomena he has been confronting since 1985.
CLASSIC REBOOT: Scientist and Mystic Hiroshi MotoyamawithThomas Brophy July 23, 2024In this interview from 2020 he describes the Japanese founder of the California Institute of Human Science, Hiroshi Motoyama (1925 – 2015) who was a parapsychologist, yogi, and Shinto priest. Motoyama is known for his studies related to the meridians of acupuncture as well as the chakras of yoga. He is the inventor of the [...]
The Mandela EffectwithCynthia Sue Larson July 15, 2024In this interview, Cynthia Sue weaves her own personal experiences and research with a wider knowledge based on accumulating over 1,000 instances of bizarre events concerning the disappearance and reappearance of objects and people.
Consciousness UnveiledwithSwami Sarvapriyananda July 29, 2024Swami Sarvapriyananda shares his insights into the spiritual teachings and philosophical ideas of Vedanta and nonduality in a very relatable way often using story and metaphor. He acknowledges the trouble caused by spiritual bypass and the need for shadow work.
The Birth TraumawithStanislav Grof June 8, 2024What is the origin of individual behavior and personality? Stanislav Grof proposes that individuals have systems of condensed experience (COEX systems) which become anchored to aspects of the birth trauma. Here, he describes four different basic stages of the birth process and shows how they relate to attitudes developed later in life.
Sorting Truth from Fiction in UFO/UAP Narratives June 30, 2024Link to full interview:
Science and MetaphysicswithBernardo Kastrup January 7, 2022Bernardo has launched a new organization, #EssentiaFoundation, and has produced some wonderful short videos that can be viewed at and