Hidden US Special Access Programs
June 20, 2024
Short video created by Jeremiah Broadway.
Presented on March 28th for the Parapsychology Research and Education course (also called ParaMOOC2023);
Full title: “Creating the Dead: How Do Auditory Perception, Paranormal Belief, and Individual Differences Affect the Interpretation of Alleged Electric Voice Phenomena, presented by Ann Winsper of Para.Science, UK
Biography: Hospital. Her main paranormal interests are hauntings, Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP), and time slips, but she has investigated a wide range of paranormal phenomena.
Ann has been interested in paranormal events, particularly hauntings and spontaneous phenomena, for over 50 years. She is a founding member of Para.Science created nearly 30 years ago to conduct serious study, research, and investigation into paranormal phenomena.
In 2020, Ann obtained a Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Central Lancashire, UK, with a thesis on “Interpreting Electronic Voice Phenomena: The Role of Auditory Perception, Paranormal Belief, and Individual Differences.”
Ann is a member of the Parapsychological Association, the Society for Psychical Research, and the Ghost Club and has given many talks on various paranormal subjects. She is also a regular contributor to both radio and television programmes, and has had articles published in magazines and chapters in books.
Parapsychology Foundation: https://parapsychology.org
Parapsychology Online: https://parapsychologyonline.org
Published on April 11, 2023