Living in an Apocalyptic AgewithCharles Upton
July 8, 2024
This is an open-ended conversation. It addresses the meaning of “apocalypse” and then delves into deep issues concerning human/divine connection and process.
Presented for the ParaMOOC2023 on March 25th:
Biography: Rosemarie Pilkington has been interested in psychic phenomena since childhood when she heard family stories of unexplained visions and
strange happenings. As a young adult, she immersed herself in articles,
books, and journals on the subject and attended seminars and lectures
sponsored by the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) in New
York. She has a B.A. in Music and an M.S. in Education. Under the mentorship of world-renowned psychologist and parapsychologist Stanley Krippner, she earned her Ph.D. in Psychology (Consciousness Studies) from Saybrook Graduate Institute, doing her dissertation on children’s ESP. She presented the results of her experiment to the Parapsychological Association, of which she is an Associate Member.
She has imparted what she has learned and experienced to others by teaching classes in parapsychology and alternative healing methods, lecturing, and especially by writing. She was a consulting editor for the newsletter Mind and Medicine. She has written book reviews and articles for publications as varied as FATE magazine, the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, and the Journal of Scientific Exploration. She is also the author of such books as Men and Women of Parapsychology: Personal Reflections (1987) and The Spirit of Dr. Bindelof: The Enigma of Séance Phenomena (2006).
Séance Science: A Realistic Look at Paranormal Phenomena:
Parapsychology Foundation:
Parapsychology Online:
Published on April 10, 2023