A presentation from Parapsychology Research and Education (also known as ParraMOOC2023), Recorded on March 15th, 2023
Abstract: MESA is a computer system specifically designed to measure energies associated with haunt and poltergeist phenomena. We have measured over 250 sites since 1994. We measure infrared, visible, ultraviolet light, vibration, electromagnetic fields, geomagnetic fields, random number generators, barometric pressure, humidity, and temperature. We will present and discuss preliminary findings after a review of the timeline of apparitions, hauntings, and poltergeists.”
Biography: Timothy Harte is a mental health clinician in Springfield, Illinois, and has been for 25 years. He received a bachelor’s in psychology (1993), a Master’s in Clinical Psychology (1997), and a bachelor’s degree in History (2015). He enjoys drumming in several rock bands, investigating haunted houses, building plastic models, and listening to all kinds of music.
Resources provided to attendees at the live session:
Society for Psychical Research website: https://www.spr.ac.uk/
Biography of Michael Persinger in the SPR PSI Encyclopedia: https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/articles/michael-persinger
Tom Ruffle’s blog on Tony Cornell and “S.P.I.D.E.R”: https://tomruffles.blogspot.com/2016/10/tony-cornell-and-spiders-from-cambridge.html
Tony Cornell’s (2006) biography, “Investigating the Paranormal”:https://www.amazon.com/Investigating-Paranormal-Tony-Cornell/dp/0912328983
“Is the Merchant House Haunted? A Perspectives Lecture from 2001 by Dr. Carlos S. Alvarado”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLCIQVo5Qo4
Contact information for Tim Harte:
Prairie Land Paranormal Consortium group’s regular meetings:
Lincoln Library, Springfield, IL, every last Saturday of the month from 1 pm Central to 4 pm Central.
Parapsychology Foundation: https://parapsychology.org
ParapsychologyOnline: https://parapsychologyonline.org
Psychical Research Foundation: https://www.psychicalresearchfoundation.com/
Published on March 19, 2023