Institute of Noetic Sciences Katia Petersen and Alan Pierce Sunday IONS 2015 Conference Sunday experiential Published on August 11, 2015 Share
The Simple and the Complex, Part 2,withMurray Gell-Mann May 25, 2024The late Nobel laureate Murray Gell-Mann (1929 – 2019) addresses the relationship between the world of everyday experience and the mysterious world of subatomic particles. He points out that chaos theory shows that many large-scale events are extremely sensitive to initial conditions. Regarding complexity, he says that random systems which are difficult to describe may [...]
The Path of the Everyday HerowithLorna Catford July 13, 2024Mythology reminds us that just when things seem the darkest, we may be on the verge of a breakthrough. Lorna Catford, PhD, a professor of psychology at Sonoma State University in California, is co-author of The Path of the Everyday Hero. She points out that the demands placed upon ordinary people in everyday life, require a [...]
Archetypal Synchronistic ResonancewithVernon Neppe June 24, 2024Here, Dr. Neppe a matrix of synchronistic connections he has experienced with Dr. Edward Close, coauthor of Reality Begins with Consciousness. Dr. Close developed a solution to Fermat’s Last Theorem, and has been identified as the reincarnation of Fermat – according to trance channel Kevin Ryerson, working in conjunction with Dr. Walter Semkiw. Dr. Neppe [...]
Consciousness UnveiledwithSwami Sarvapriyananda July 29, 2024Swami Sarvapriyananda shares his insights into the spiritual teachings and philosophical ideas of Vedanta and nonduality in a very relatable way often using story and metaphor. He acknowledges the trouble caused by spiritual bypass and the need for shadow work.
Reincarnation or Resonance?withVernon Neppe and Ed Close June 28, 2024Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, FRSSAf and Ed Close, PhD, are the joint authors of the book, Reality Begins with Consciousness. This book elaborates their theory consciousness in the universe. Both have been interviewed multiple times about their work on this channel.
Reincarnation in JapanwithOhkado Masayuki July 10, 2024Here he describes his intellectual journal from the study of linguistics to reincarnation. He discusses the famous Katsugoro case from the 1800s, and shares how this exploration has affected him personally.
Magic and PsiwithRussell Targ January 31, 2022Russell describes his background as an amateur stage magician starting as a child. He shares several insights that led to his successful career in parapsychology, particularly relating to Robert Rosenthal’s “Pygmalion Effect” in psychology. He notes that as a remote viewing monitor, he developed the ability to distinguish between psi-mediated information and “naming.” Quoting from [...]
Near-Death ExperiencewithJeffrey Long January 3, 2022Here he reports on the data received on the NDERF website from thousands of individuals anonymously reporting their experiences. He maintains that this information can be considered reliable because the experiences are consistent among people of difference ages, sexes, nationalities, and other categories. An overwhelming sense of love is commonly reported, as well as a [...]