Institute of Noetic Sciences IONS Community Group Intro ~ Cassi Vieten Become a part of the IONS community Published on June 2, 2016 Share
Exercises for AwakeningwithSuzanne Giesemann July 26, 2024Here she shares a variety of spiritual practices that have become integrated into her way of life, and the awakening way that she teaches.
CLASSIC REBOOT: Deeper into the MysterywithWhitley Strieber May 31, 2024In this video from 2023, he continues his multi-decades exploration into the nature of the “Visitor” phenomena he has been confronting since 1985.
The Simple and the Complex, Part 2,withMurray Gell-Mann May 25, 2024The late Nobel laureate Murray Gell-Mann (1929 – 2019) addresses the relationship between the world of everyday experience and the mysterious world of subatomic particles. He points out that chaos theory shows that many large-scale events are extremely sensitive to initial conditions. Regarding complexity, he says that random systems which are difficult to describe may [...]
The Source of ConsciousnesswithLawrence Kushner June 29, 2024Rabbi Lawrence Kushner suggests that all religious traditions point humanity toward the goal of unity with God. He suggests that the connections between people transcend death and help us to face both life and death. He speculates that god is the source of synchronicities and coincidences in our lives, and that nothing is accidental.
Researching the ParanormalwithColm Kelleher January 5, 2022Here, he describes his investigations of paranormal phenomena at the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah starting in 1996. Military interest in the project led to a government funded, two-year research program that generated over 100 reports on UFO activity and related topics – eventually leading to the public disclosure in 2021 of military interest and acknowledgment [...]
The Mind and Its BrainwithNicolas Rouleau December 31, 2021Here he suggests that there are two primary models concerning the relationship between brain and mind. The standard “production” model assumes that consciousness is produced by the neural activity of the brain. The “transmission” model suggests that consciousness is transmitted to the brain. As a student of the late Michael Persinger, of Laurentian University, he [...]