Parapsychology Foundation International Affiliates Conference Day One Closing Session by Nancy L. Zingrone Nancy L. Zingrone, PhD and PF Research Fellow concludes the first day session of the International Affiliates Conference. Published on April 12, 2016 Share
Exercises for AwakeningwithSuzanne Giesemann July 26, 2024Here she shares a variety of spiritual practices that have become integrated into her way of life, and the awakening way that she teaches.
Cultivating Peak ExperienceswithRick Leskowitz June 19, 2024Rick describes several ways to attain peak experiences and how to get into the zone by choice, not chance. He shares positive experiences of professional athletes who use meditation and energetic practices to enhance their performance with supporting research.
The Simple and the Complex, Part 2,withMurray Gell-Mann May 25, 2024The late Nobel laureate Murray Gell-Mann (1929 – 2019) addresses the relationship between the world of everyday experience and the mysterious world of subatomic particles. He points out that chaos theory shows that many large-scale events are extremely sensitive to initial conditions. Regarding complexity, he says that random systems which are difficult to describe may [...]
A New Paradigm of the UnconsciouswithStanislav Grof August 3, 2024In extraordinary circumstances, the human mind is capable of accessing information from anywhere in time or space, according to evidence provided by Stanislav Grof, MD. Author of Realms of the Human Unconscious, Dr. Grof is an innovative psychotherapist who has attempted to integrate the divergent schools of Freud, Jung and Reich with insights from the [...]
Consciousness UnveiledwithSwami Sarvapriyananda July 29, 2024Swami Sarvapriyananda shares his insights into the spiritual teachings and philosophical ideas of Vedanta and nonduality in a very relatable way often using story and metaphor. He acknowledges the trouble caused by spiritual bypass and the need for shadow work.
Energy Medicine for Pain Relief and HealingwithRick Leskowitz June 5, 2024Rick explains how every healing tradition in the world includes some form of energy medicine, except Western medicine. Although, he is seeing evidence of this changing with a large grassroots effort and research. He describes the energy medicine methods that he has found to be most effective for alleviating pain, including treating phantom limb pain, [...]
After-Death CommunicationwithMatthew McKay May 27, 2024After Matthew’s son died, he learned how to communicate with him in the afterlife. He shares messages he has channeled from his son, Jordan, and provides simple steps to communicate with loved ones to ease grief and experience love that continues without interruption after death.
Overcoming KarmawithRJ Spina February 2, 2022RJ shares his intuitive insight that karma is based upon the attachments we form. He describes several kinds of karma – based on thoughts, speech, behaviors, and our sense of identity. He maintains that our true nature is pure beingness, i.e., “I am” with no further qualifications. He reflects on how this insight can free [...]
Magic and PsiwithRussell Targ January 31, 2022Russell describes his background as an amateur stage magician starting as a child. He shares several insights that led to his successful career in parapsychology, particularly relating to Robert Rosenthal’s “Pygmalion Effect” in psychology. He notes that as a remote viewing monitor, he developed the ability to distinguish between psi-mediated information and “naming.” Quoting from [...]