Institute of Noetic Sciences Imagine the Future… Episode 6 Imagine a future where collective intention, combined with virtual reality, is healing trauma. Published on December 21, 2017 Share
Exploring CreativitywithNew Thinking Allowed Volunteer Jeremiah Broadway July 7, 202400:00 Introduction
Consciousness UnveiledwithSwami Sarvapriyananda July 29, 2024Swami Sarvapriyananda shares his insights into the spiritual teachings and philosophical ideas of Vedanta and nonduality in a very relatable way often using story and metaphor. He acknowledges the trouble caused by spiritual bypass and the need for shadow work.
Reincarnation in JapanwithOhkado Masayuki July 10, 2024Here he describes his intellectual journal from the study of linguistics to reincarnation. He discusses the famous Katsugoro case from the 1800s, and shares how this exploration has affected him personally.
Neurodiversity, Part 3: Tristan’s Life Story May 24, 2024In this video, Annika has, essentially, left the body while Tristan shares his own incredible journey. He explains how he first experienced Annika entering his body, with the consciousness of an infant, when he was 22 years of age.
The Path of the Everyday HerowithLorna Catford July 13, 2024Mythology reminds us that just when things seem the darkest, we may be on the verge of a breakthrough. Lorna Catford, PhD, a professor of psychology at Sonoma State University in California, is co-author of The Path of the Everyday Hero. She points out that the demands placed upon ordinary people in everyday life, require a [...]
Energy Medicine for Pain Relief and HealingwithRick Leskowitz June 5, 2024Rick explains how every healing tradition in the world includes some form of energy medicine, except Western medicine. Although, he is seeing evidence of this changing with a large grassroots effort and research. He describes the energy medicine methods that he has found to be most effective for alleviating pain, including treating phantom limb pain, [...]
Imagery in HealingwithJean Achterberg (1942 – 2012) January 29, 2022Jeanne Achterberg, former President of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, was author of Imagery in Healing and Woman As Healer. She discusses the holographic model of the brain and suggests that mental images mediate between the conscious intentions and the physiology of the body. She points out that imagery has been used in healing since [...]
Overcoming KarmawithRJ Spina February 2, 2022RJ shares his intuitive insight that karma is based upon the attachments we form. He describes several kinds of karma – based on thoughts, speech, behaviors, and our sense of identity. He maintains that our true nature is pure beingness, i.e., “I am” with no further qualifications. He reflects on how this insight can free [...]