Institute of Noetic Sciences Imagine the Future… Episode 4 The world is calling out for a new type of leadership — one that recognizes our interconnectedness with each other and the planet. What future are you creating? Published on December 8, 2017 Share
Interspecies CommunicationwithDavis Brimberg May 13, 2024Here she describes the slow, and sometimes painful, process of engaging in a relationship with wild animals.
Neurodiversity, Part 4: Metaphysical ImplicationswithAnnika and Tristan June 2, 2024This is the fourth interview in this series. Viewers are advised to watch the first three in preparation for fully understanding and appreciating this video:
Spiritual Emergence and PsychosiswithBrian Spittles April 3, 2024Brian shares that the features of a spiritual emergency and psychospiritual emergence have much in common with what is known as psychosis and are frequently indistinguishable. Indigenous cultures view these experiences as normal and part of the mysteries of being human.
Feeding the Body, Nourishing the SoulwithDeborah Kesten March 30, 2024Knowledge of nutritional principles, says Deborah Kesten, does not necessarily lead to a healthy diet. In examining our attitudes toward food, she initiated a search of the world’s spiritual traditions. She reviews the regard for food in Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and the American Indian tradition. She maintains that the loving spirit with which we [...]
The Professor of UFOlogy: Confessions of a Catholic ProfwithJames Madden May 8, 2024Dr. James Madden, author of “Unidentified Flying Hyperobject: UFOs, Philosophy, and the End of the World” is a professor of philosophy at Benedictine College in Kansas, discusses “re-thinking UFO/UAP phenomenon” with guest host Christopher Naughton. Madden’s central claim is that understanding the UFO will require a re-thinking of ourselves and our standing in what is [...]
After-Death CommunicationwithMatthew McKay May 27, 2024After Matthew’s son died, he learned how to communicate with him in the afterlife. He shares messages he has channeled from his son, Jordan, and provides simple steps to communicate with loved ones to ease grief and experience love that continues without interruption after death.
Mongolian ShamanismwithGail Hayssen December 15, 2021This is the second interview in a three-part series. Here she describes her visit to Mongolia in 2011, after having developed close relationships with different shamans and researchers from Mongolia who visited her home in California. She describes remarkable healings and rituals that she witnessed and the dreams and visions that accompanied her journey.
Spirit Mediumship in BrazilwithAlexander Moreira-Almeida November 5, 2021Here he describes his research with spirit mediums in Brazil. While many mediums exhibit symptoms that are sometimes designated as signs of psychosis, he notes that they typically live productive and meaningful lives showing no signs of pathology. Experimental tests with the famous medium, Chico Xavier, indicated that letters he transmitted to grieving relatives from [...]