Institute of Noetic Sciences I Am IONS: Menas Kafatos I Am IONS: Menas Kafatos Published on January 7, 2016 Share
Cultural AstronomywithAlison Chester-Lambert May 20, 2024Alison describes cultural astronomy as how much the sky has influenced cultures throughout history.
Neurodiversity, Part 4: Metaphysical ImplicationswithAnnika and Tristan June 2, 2024This is the fourth interview in this series. Viewers are advised to watch the first three in preparation for fully understanding and appreciating this video:
CLASSIC REBOOT: Deeper into the MysterywithWhitley Strieber May 31, 2024In this video from 2023, he continues his multi-decades exploration into the nature of the “Visitor” phenomena he has been confronting since 1985.
The Birth TraumawithStanislav Grof June 8, 2024What is the origin of individual behavior and personality? Stanislav Grof proposes that individuals have systems of condensed experience (COEX systems) which become anchored to aspects of the birth trauma. Here, he describes four different basic stages of the birth process and shows how they relate to attitudes developed later in life.
Carl Jung’s FriendshipswithSigmund Freud, J. B. Rhine, and Wolfgang Pauli with Davis K. Brimberg May 22, 2024Here she explore the significant male relationships in the life of the great Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Gustav Jung.
Exploring Drugs and CulturewithMike Jay April 15, 2024This wide-ranging interview provides something of an overview of Mike Jays research into all aspects of drugs and culture.
The Simple and the Complex, Part 2,withMurray Gell-Mann May 25, 2024The late Nobel laureate Murray Gell-Mann (1929 – 2019) addresses the relationship between the world of everyday experience and the mysterious world of subatomic particles. He points out that chaos theory shows that many large-scale events are extremely sensitive to initial conditions. Regarding complexity, he says that random systems which are difficult to describe may [...]
The Secret CommonwealthwithJames Tunney December 20, 2021Here he describes the context in which Rev. Robert Kirk wrote his classic book about faeries in 1691. He emphasizes that Kirk was not intending to write a book of folklore, but rather an accurate description of experienced phenomena. He points out that interaction with such beings appears to be dependent upon the common gift [...]
Intelligent EnergywithRJ Spina November 7, 2021Here he describes a horrible concatination of illnesses that left him with a diagnosis of permanent paralysis below the chest in 2016. He awakened from life-saving surgery with a dysfunctional body – however, he found himself in a state of awareness completely detached from the body that he thinks of as cosmic consciousness. In this [...]