Human Intuition | Jon Taylor

Jon Taylor, MA in Natural Sciences, aims to show that intuition requires contact with the future and is explainable in terms of psi.

Intuition is often defined as the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. Many psychologists believe that such an ability refers to information we already possess, but which lies below the threshold for awareness. In some theories, precognition is considered to be the fundamental phenomenon of psi, and consists literally of precognition, referring to the future cognition of an event.

The model is based on the concept of the block universe, and therefore requires a compatible version of quantum mechanics. David Bohm’s theory of the implicate order is based on the zero-point energy field that extends throughout space and time. The implicate order unfolds to create successive slices of space-time, which build up to form the block universe. Bohm proposed that similar structures created at different times resonate within the implicate order and tend to unfold in a form in which they are more similar to one another. The resonance is attributed to non-local effects of the de Broglie-Bohm pilot waves over the quantum mechanical processes involved.

The principles are applied to the neuronal spatiotemporal patterns that are activated in the brain. Precognition occurs when the pattern activated at the time of the future experience of an event resonates with any similar pattern (spontaneously) activated in the present. It enables the activation of the present pattern to be sustained until the threshold is reached at which the percipient becomes consciously aware of an event similar to the event experienced in the future. Intuition occurs when there is an absence of resonance between the present and future patterns. It enables the brain to detect knowledge that a given event will not occur in the future.

This model attempts to clarify and extend previous work regarding precognition. It is hoped that by offering a mechanism based on sound physical and biological principles, the model will help overcome skepticism towards psi and bring parapsychology into closer alignment with mainstream science.

Presented at the “62nd Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association” on July 4, 2019, Paris, France; program chaired by Ramses D’Leon. Download the Abstracts at

The Parapsychological Association is an international professional organization of scientists and scholars engaged in the study of psi (or ‘psychic’) experiences, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, psychic healing, and precognition. The primary objective of the PA is to achieve a scientific understanding of these experiences.

A longer version of this convention video, including the Q&A period, is available to PA members-only at There is a level of PA membership for everyone interested in the scientific and scholarly advancement of parapsychology. Learn more at:

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Published on July 5, 2021
