Carl Jung’s FriendshipswithSigmund Freud, J. B. Rhine, and Wolfgang Pauli with Davis K. Brimberg
May 22, 2024
Here she explore the significant male relationships in the life of the great Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Gustav Jung.
#magick #esoteric #witchcraft
00:00 Intro to Dr Bernd-Christian Otto
02:06 How the understanding of Magic developed
11:18 Stephen Skinner & Goetia
12:05 Fluidity of Western Learned Magic
12:45 Practitioners are not irrational
14:00 Witchcraft vs Ceremonial Magic
15:20 Witch Hunts & Western Learned Magic
17:45 Magic as a Floating Signifier
23:53 Resilience of Magic, why does magic still exist?
33:00 Magic is now Positive
35:25 The New Zeitgeist of Magic
39:45 Pop Culture and Witch Aesthetics
45:10 Academic Field of Esotericism
FOLLOW ME: Facebook (Angela’s Symposium), Instagram (angela_symposium), Twitter (@angelapuca11), TikTok (Angela’s Symposium).
Dr Bernd-Christian Otto Contact Details:
(1) Otto, Bernd-Christian, Magie. Rezeptions- und diskursgeschichtliche Analysen von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit, Berlin: De Gruyter 2011.
My PhD book on the conceptual history of magic
(2) Otto, Bernd-Christian and Stausberg, Michael, Defining Magic: A Reader, London: Routledge 2013.
A reader with important historical and academic sources on how to define and theorise magic
(3) Bellingradt, Daniel and Otto, Bernd-Christian, Magical Manuscripts in Early Modern Europe. The Clandestine Trade in Illegal Book Collections, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan 2017.
A co-authored monograph on the extensive collection of magical manuscripts today stored in Leipzig university library (Ms. Leipzig Cod. Mag. 1-142)
(4) Otto, Bernd-Christian and Johannsen, Dirk (eds.), Fictional practice: Magic, narration, and the power of imagination, Leiden: Brill 2021.
A NEW co-edited anthology on the relationship between fiction and practice in the history of magic
(5) Otto, Bernd-Christian, “Historicising ‘Western learned magic’: preliminary remarks”, in: Aries 16 (2016), 161–240.
Maybe the most important text I have ever written, a programmatic article on how to conceptualise and historicise ‘Western learned magic’
(6) Otto, Bernd-Christian, “The Illuminates of Thanateros and the Institutionalization of Religious Individualization”, in: Martin Fuchs et al. (eds.), Religious Individualisation: Historical Dimensions and Comparative Perspectives, Berlin: de Gruyter 2019, 759-96.
An article on Chaos magick and the ‘ice magick war’
Further references mentioned during the interview:
Hanegraaff, Wouter J., “How magic survived the disenchantment of the world”, in: Religion 33/4 (2003), 357–380.
Luhrmann, Tanya, Persuasions of the Witch’s Craft: Ritual Magic in Contemporary England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1989.
Partridge, Christopher, The Re-enchantment of the West: Alternative Spiritualities, Sacralisation, Popular Culture, and Occulture, 2 vols., London: T & T Clark International 2004/05.
Music by Erose MusicBand. Check them out!
Published on September 26, 2021