Hermetic Qabalah explained

What is Qabalah? This is a scholarly exploration of Hermetic Qabalah, an esoteric tradition steeped in history and rich in spiritual practice. This episode covers the evolution of Hermetic Qabalah from its origins in ancient Jewish mysticism through its adaptation in Christian and Renaissance thought to its pivotal role in contemporary Western esotericism.

We start by defining Hermetic Qabalah and distinguishing it from Jewish Kabbalah and Christian Cabala, highlighting the unique blend of mysticism, philosophy, and theology that characterizes each form. Discover how figures like Giovanni Pico della Mirandola influenced the Christian reinterpretation of Kabbalistic ideas and how these ideas permeated Renaissance thought.

The video further delves into the core structure of the Tree of Life, explaining its symbolic representation of the universe’s spiritual and material aspects. Learn about the sefirot, the paths that connect them, and their implications for personal and spiritual development.

We will also cover primary texts like the Zohar and Sepher Yetzirah, their historical significance, and their roles in the practice of Qabalah. Additionally, we explore the modern application of Hermetic Qabalah in traditions such as Thelema and its integration into practices like modern Witchcraft and the Golden Dawn system.


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Asprem, Egil. “Arguing with Angels: Enochian Magic and Modern Occulture”. SUNY Press, 2012.

Dan, Joseph. “Kabbalah: A Very Short Introduction”. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Gershom Scholem. “Kabbalah”. New York: Dorset Press, 1987.

Greer, Mary K. “The New Encyclopedia of the Occult”. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2007.

Hanegraaff, Wouter J. “Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism”. Leiden: Brill, 2006.

Idel, Moshe. “Kabbalah: New Perspectives”. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988.

Kaplan, Aryeh. “Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation in Theory and Practice”. San Francisco: Weiser Books, 1997.

Scholem, Gershom. “Origins of the Kabbalah”. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1991.

Tirosh-Samuelson, Hava. “Kabbalah and Science in the Middle Ages: Preliminary Remarks”. In “Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures”, Cambridge University Press, 2011.

Versluis, Arthur. “Magic and Mysticism: An Introduction to Western Esotericism”. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2007.

Yates, Frances. “The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age”. London: Routledge, 1979.

00:00 Introduction: Magus Lecture on the Hermetic Qabalah

01:09 Hermetic Qabalah

01:22 Types of Kabbalah

03:22 History of Kabbalah

06:18 Kabbalah in the Medieval Period

07:48 Sepher Yetsirah & Zohar

08:38 The Zohar

10:56 Qabalah in the Renaissance

11:44 Giovanni Pico della Mirandolla & Johannes Reuchlin

13:24 Giovanni Pico della Mirandolla

14:40 Johannes Reuchlin

16:31 Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn & Qabalah

18:18 Thelema & Qabalah

19:23 Qabalah & Builders of the Adytum

20:12 Modern Witchcraft and Wicca & Qabalah

20:56 Rosicrucian’s use of Qabalah

24:01 Hermetic Qabalah & Belief Systems

25:38 Belief Systems about the Tree of Life

28:03 Different Interpretations of the Tree of Life

28:42 Jewish Kabbalah & The Tree of Life

29:53 Hermetic Qabalah & The Tree of Life

31:02 Christian Cabala & The Tree of Life

31:56 Thelema & The Hermetic Qabalah Tree of Life

33:26 Modern Neopaganism and Witchcrafts & The Tree of Life

35:31 Magical Practices in Qabalah

35:57 Hermetic Qabalah in Ritual Magic

37:26 Pathworking & Hermetic Qabalah

38:03 Divination & Hermetic Qabalah

39:38 Astrological Correspondences in Qabalah

40:13 Creation of Talismans and Amulets using Qabalah

40:34 Theurgical Practices & Qabalah

41:05 Qabala’s Integration into Personal Spiritual Practice

42:38 Integration of Theory and Practice i Qabalah

43:30 Contemporary Relevance of Hermetic Qabalah

44:26 Personal Transformation through Hermetic Qabalah

45:05 Application of Hermetic Qabalah in Daily Life

46:18 References

46:44 Patron Testemonials

️ Copyright of Dr Angela Puca, in all of its parts ️

Music by Erose MusicBand. Check them out!

Published on July 28, 2024
