Rick Leskowitz

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Eric “Rick” Leskowitz, MD served as a consultant psychiatrist for over 25 years with the Pain Management Program at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, where he also founded the Integrative Medicine Task Force. He holds an appointment as a research affiliate with the Osher Institute for Integrative Medicine research at Harvard Medical school. Rick has studied energy healing, meditation, and hypnosis for over 40 years, presenting workshops on the integration of subtle energy techniques and theories with the allopathic medical model. He has written over 50 articles being published in leading scientific journals. He is author of The Mystery of Life Energy: Biofield Healing, Phantom Limbs, Group Energetics, and Gaia Consciousness, The Joy of Sox: Weird Science and the Power of Intention: Sports, Spirituality and Science Come Together at the Old Ballgame, that is also a documentary film. He is editor of: Sports, Energy, and Consciousness: Awakening Human Potential through Sport, Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Rehabilitation, and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy: Gateway to Body, Mind, and Spirit. His website is https://themysteryoflifeenergy.com/.