Italian Witchcraft: Open or Closed Practice?
October 8, 2023
Can anyone practise Italian witchcraft or the Tradition of Segnature? Strega, stregheria, streghe, segnatori, segnatrici and open and closed practises.
Gary Lachman is the author of more than twenty books on topics ranging from the evolution of consciousness to literary suicides, popular culture and the history of the occult. He has written a rock and roll memoir of the 1970s, biographies of Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, C. G. Jung, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Emanuel Swedenborg, P. D. Ouspensky, and Colin Wilson, histories of Hermeticism and the Western Inner Tradition, studies in existentialism and the philosophy of consciousness, and about the influence of esotericism on politics and society. His website is
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