This video is a special release from the original Thinking Allowed series that ran on public television from 1986 until 2002. It was recorded in about 1998. It will remain public for only one week.
Dr Rosemarie Anderson (clip) – The Tao as a Royal Guide February 22, 2024The SMN is exploring frontier issues at the interfaces between science, health, consciousness, and spirituality, and our webinars reflect that in a spirit of open enquiry.
Unlocking the Secrets of Twin PsychologywithJoan Friedman February 21, 2024Here she reviews many of the issues that twins bring up in her psychotherapy practice.
UAP and Invisible MatterwithChristopher Noel February 20, 2024#UAPs #UFOs #disclosure #extraterrestial #experiencer #abductee #NDE #NearDeath #mediums #manifest #shift #vibration #invisiblematter
Dark Matter Does not Exist, but We Know Where to Go February 19, 2024Bio: Pavel Kroupa studied physics at the University of Western Australia, Perth, and defended his PhD degree at the University of Cambridge in 1992. After post-doctoral appointments in Heidelberg and Kiel he accepted a professorship at the University of Bonn. He was awarded with a Heisenberg Fellowship, a Leverhulme-Trust Professorship and a Swinburne Visiting Professorship. [...]
Panel Discussion: Anomalies in Modern Astronomy Research February 19, 2024Massimo Teodorani (PhD., Bologna University) is an astrophysicist from North Italy. His Ph.D. in Astronomy from Bologna University is with a specialization in stellar physics. He has been carrying out research on eruptive phenomena in astrophysics, such as supernovas, novas, high-mass close binary stars with neutron star component, black hole candidate binary star systems, strongly [...]
Problems of the Standard Model in Cosmology February 19, 2024Prof. Pavel Kroupa will show in his presentation some anomalies on galactic to Gpc scales (large-scale structure) including some examples of 5-sigma tensions and some mention of MOND as an alternative to standard gravity and dark matter. Here I complement the range of anomalies in cosmology with further cases on CMBR, nucleosynthesis, tests of expansion, [...]
Search for Astronomical Anomalies Suspected to be Extraterrestrial Technosignatures February 19, 2024Bio: Massimo Teodorani (PhD., Bologna University) is an astrophysicist from North Italy. His Ph.D. in Astronomy from Bologna University is with a specialization in stellar physics. He has been carrying out research on eruptive phenomena in astrophysics, such as supernovas, novas, high-mass close binary stars with neutron star component, black hole candidate binary star systems, [...]
Galaxies Lacking Dark Matter: Anomalies or a Natural Outcome of the Standard Model? February 19, 2024Bio: Ignacio Trujillo is a researcher at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). Ignacio holds a PhD in astrophysics from the University of La Laguna and has been a researcher at the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg and the University of Nottingham. Dr.Trujillo is a specialist in galaxy formation and evolution. His current work [...]
The Galileo Project: In Search of Technological Interstellar Objects February 19, 2024Bio: Abraham (Avi) Loeb is the Frank B. Baird, Jr., Professor of Science at Harvard University and a bestselling author. He received a PhD in Physics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel at age 24 (1980-1986), led the first international project supported by the Strategic Defense Initiative (1983-1988), and was subsequently a long-term [...]
Dr Rosemarie Anderson (clip) – Discovering the Tao Te Ching February 19, 2024The SMN is exploring frontier issues at the interfaces between science, health, consciousness, and spirituality, and our webinars reflect that in a spirit of open enquiry.