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Experience The Edgar Mitchell Overview Effect in Virtual Reality August 9, 2022On his way back to Earth after his pioneering moonwalk, Apollo 14 astronaut and IONS founder, Dr. Edgar Mitchell had a life-changing experience.
Epigenetics: Do Past Traumas In Our Lineage Affect The Way We Feel In The Present Moment? June 22, 2021
Opening Inner Pathways to Your Noetic Signature May 27, 2021For more information about IONS free ConnectIONS Live webinars, visit:
Experiencing Our Innerview — a Guided Meditation by Loretta Hidalgo Whitesides February 9, 2021Become an IONS Member! Learn more at:
World Blessing by Rev. Paulette Pipe April 8, 2020To receive information on other noetic topics and hear about future online and in person events, join the IONS email list:
Harvesting Noetic Wisdom in Challenging Times April 6, 2020To receive information on other noetic topics and hear about future online and in-person events, join our email list: