This video is a special release from the original Thinking Allowed series that ran on public television from 1986 until 2002. It was recorded in about 1998. It will remain public for only one week.
Miraculous Healing and SciencewithJoseph Selbie August 23, 2024Here he explains why miraculous healing can be understood through the lens of modern physics – even though medical science typically has no explanation.
Structure of the Brain & its Relationship to Psychic Abilities August 22, 2024Learn more about our experiments and publications:
Your Stupidity Exposed in the Most DANGEROUS Book in the World August 21, 2024AVADHUTA GITA TRANSLATIONS
An Open-Ended ConversationwithEdwin C. May August 21, 2024Here he reviews the successes of the Stargate program that ran approximately twenty years until about 1996. He also discusses current interest as well as his hypothesis concerning neural connectivity and psychic functioning.
Reiki HealingwithCIHS President Jeffery Martin August 20, 2024In this video from 2017, he describes how his mother’s illness prompted him, at a young age, to seek training as a spiritual healer. Reiki is a tradition that originated in Japan and is generally attributed to Takao Usui, although there are antecedents. It entails channeling a spiritual energy source, rather than willfully endeavoring to [...]
Psychic Surgery ParadoxeswithDebra Lynne Katz August 19, 2024Here she describes her extensive experiences, in the 1990s, observing and working with psychic surgeons in the Philippines. She describes both fraudulent practices and uncanny personal experiences for which she has no logical explanation.
Taoism’s Leadership Bullsh!t Detector August 18, 2024Tao Te Ching Translated by Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English
The Practice of MeditationwithJack Kornfield August 17, 2024Through quieting the mind we become aware of our unconscious tensions and the act of awareness itself serves to heal those tensions. Buddhist teacher of Vipassana (mindfulness) meditation, clinical psychologist and author of Living Dharma and A Still Forest Pool, Jack Kornfield, Ph.D., seeks out the factors common to all varieties of meditation.
Flexible Beliefs to Shape Reality in Chaos Magick August 16, 2024MY COURSES