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Glenn Hartelius, PhD, is Co-Director of Psychology Programs and Director of Integral, Transpersonal, and Positive Psychology PhD Concentration at the California Institute for Human Science (CIHS). He is coauthor of The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Transpersonal Psychology. Most recently he is coauthor, with Michaela Aizer of The Anatomy of Presence: Turn Your Inner Authenticity into Outer Impact and Success.

Accuracy and Neural Correlates of Blinded Mediumship Compared to Controls | Arnaud Delorme

Experiment 1: In our first experiment, psychometric and brain electrophysiology data were collected from six individuals who had previously reported accurate information about deceased individuals under double-blind conditions. In the first task, the participant was given only the first name of a deceased person and asked 25 questions. Mediums’ accuracy was rated above chance expectation [...]