Further Analysis of Energetic Healing Signals | Mike Turner
Further Analysis of Energetic Healing Signals (Continuation of Radin/Bengston Analysis)
Mike Turner
At the 2016 SSE meeting, Dean Radin reported some initial analysis of experiments that attempted to record energetic signals associated with the healing processes of Bill Bengston and others. In tests conducted within a Faraday cage, sensors included 38 transducers: eleven 3-axis magnetometers, a geomagnetometer, two electromag- netic sensors, and two Caduceus antennas. Samples were recorded with 24-bit resolution at a sampling rate of 44.1 KHz. Sessions included scenarios where healers treated subjects, charged cotton or crystals, or sat quietly with
no conscious healing intent. Other recordings involved only charged or uncharged cotton, other artifacts, or no object at all. Early analysis found some deviations between healing and control periods, but these deviations were not observed to appear in a systematic way.
Further analysis of twenty recordings has been carried out more recently using greater spectral resolution, particularly at low frequencies, and studying short term temporal events. This work has revealed additional interesting features in the signals. In several cases, relatively large differences were noticed between very low frequency spectral content in some healing scenarios versus controls. Short term temporal bursts of relatively large amplitude with trailing oscillations were found to occur more often during sessions that include periods of healing (though not always when a healer is consciously trying to heal) as opposed to recordings where no healer is present.
It was observed that many signal events which occurred during sessions that include healing periods were recorded by sensors near the subject being treated, rather than near the healer. Recognized signal events were tabulated to summarize the number of events of different types observed at different locations. This summary may be suggestive of some trends. Results are interesting, but not sufficiently consistent nor systematic enough draw conclusions.
Bio: Mike received his BSEE degree from Louisiana Tech University and his MSEE and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla, focusing primarily on signal processing and communications systems. His professional experience includes research and development on the GPS system, radar systems, and a wide range of communications systems, including wireline, wireless, and fiber optic technologies, as well as work on applications in biotechnology. He is a member of the IEEE, past member of the American Chemical Society, the Biotechnology Association of Alabama, a past Associate of the Motorola Science Advisory Board, and is the inventor or co-inventor on 20 issued patents.
In other interests, he is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of The Monroe Institute and is a co-inventor of TMI’s SAM (Spatial Angle Modulation) audio technology. He is a past member of the board of directors of the Rhine Research Center, a member of the SSE (Associate), the Windbridge Institute, IRVA, IANDS, the Parapsychological Association (Affiliate), and the Forever Family Foundation. Current research activity includes signal processing toward development of healing application technology with Bill Bengston and Dean Radin.
Recorded at the Society for Scientific Exploration conference at Yale University, 2017
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Published on December 21, 2018