Parapsychology Foundation Final Session of the Book Expo 2015 The final session of Book Expo 2015, filmed on November 15th, 2015. Book Expo 2016 will be held on April 23rd to April 24th, 2016. Watch the PF Facebook pages for more details! Published on April 5, 2016 Share
Cultural AstronomywithAlison Chester-Lambert May 20, 2024Alison describes cultural astronomy as how much the sky has influenced cultures throughout history.
Neurodiversity, Part 4: Metaphysical ImplicationswithAnnika and Tristan June 2, 2024This is the fourth interview in this series. Viewers are advised to watch the first three in preparation for fully understanding and appreciating this video:
Carl Jung’s FriendshipswithSigmund Freud, J. B. Rhine, and Wolfgang Pauli with Davis K. Brimberg May 22, 2024Here she explore the significant male relationships in the life of the great Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Gustav Jung.
Interconnectedness: The Life and Times of Roger Nelson June 7, 2024In this video Roger Nelson demonstrates how his life’s work with the global consciousness project has discovered an important law of nature that can change the face of humanity: the interconnectedness of people when focused on a single goal or activity or event.
The Birth TraumawithStanislav Grof June 8, 2024What is the origin of individual behavior and personality? Stanislav Grof proposes that individuals have systems of condensed experience (COEX systems) which become anchored to aspects of the birth trauma. Here, he describes four different basic stages of the birth process and shows how they relate to attitudes developed later in life.
Interspecies CommunicationwithDavis Brimberg May 13, 2024Here she describes the slow, and sometimes painful, process of engaging in a relationship with wild animals.
From a Haunted House to an Extraordinary LifewithPatricia Fripp April 1, 2024In this wide-ranging interview, she discusses growing up with her brother in a haunted house. She also describes many adventures working as a hairdresser and then establishing herself as one of America’s foremost public speakers, and speaking coaches.
Philip K. Dick: ProphetwithJames Tunney November 22, 2021Here he explores the controversies concerning the artistic genius of one of the greatest science fiction writers of the twentieth century. There are those who insist that his creations were the result of drug-induced paranoic fantasies. Others describe him as a visionary, mystic, gnostic, and even a prophet. While acknowledging Dick’s psychological disturbances and addictions, [...]
The Artist Francis BaconwithJames Tunney November 12, 2021Here he explores the artistic and intellectual complexities of Francis Bacon (1909 – 1992), one of the most successful artists of the twentieth centuries who paintings have sold for more than $100 million. He points out that Bacon found inspiration in the spiritualist literature and possibly functioned mediumistically himself. Tunney also focuses on Bacon’s artwork [...]