Let’s delve into the enigmatic world of Western esotericism through the lens of Fernando Pessoa, my favourite poet and a fascinating figure in both literature and esoteric thought. Pessoa’s unique approach to esotericism, embodied through his famous heteronyms, presents a multifaceted exploration that challenges traditional perspectives on spirituality, philosophy, and identity.
We’ll start by situating Pessoa in the broader academic discourse on esotericism, examining Antoine Faivre’s foundational model and Wouter Hanegraaff’s expanded definitions. We then explore how Pessoa’s heteronyms—distinct personas like Alberto Caeiro, Ricardo Reis, and Álvaro de Campos—each offer a unique esoteric worldview, from naturalistic pantheism to mystical modernism, showcasing a plurality of voices that embody different spiritual paths.
In addition, we’ll uncover Pessoa’s complex relationship with the notorious occultist Aleister Crowley, highlighting how their collaboration at the Boca do Inferno became a legendary event, blending real life and esoteric performance.
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Mendia, F., 2023. Fernando Pessoa’s multiple esoteric deviances. In: M. Hedenborg White and T. Rudbøg, eds. Esotericism and deviance. Leiden: Brill, pp. 400-418.
Pasi, M. (2018). Fernando Pessoa & Aleister Crowley, La Bocca dell’Inferno. Edited with an introduction and footnotes by Marco Pasi, Saluzzo: Federico Tozzi Editore, 354 pp.
Pasi, M. (2012). “Fernando Pessoa and the esoteric experience.” Published in Pessoa Plural: A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, Issue 1, Spring 2012.
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00:00 Introduction: Fernando Pessoa
00:42 Support Angela’s Symposium
01:52 Pessoa and Western Esotericism
03:24 Fernando Pessoa’s Literary Complexity
04:23 Alberto Caeiro
04:45 Ricardo Reis
05:07 Álvaro de Campos
05:38 Pessoa’s Heteronyms and Esotericism
06:30 Pessoa’s Creative Process and Esotericism
07:44 Pessoa’s Esoteric Themes
08:18 Pessoa’s Esoteric Explorations
09:20 Relevance of Pessoa to Modern Esotericism
10:29 Relationship with Crowley
11:15 Pessoa and Crowley’s Encounter in Lisbon
11:56 Esoteric Interests and Personalities
12:43 Collaboration and Hoax with Crowley
13:39 The Boca do Inferno incident
14:16 Pessoa’s involvement in the Incident
14:58 Relationship with Aleister Crowley and Impact
15:37 Pessoa’s broader engagement with Western esotericism
16:45 Conclusion on Pessoa’s Esotericism
18:35 Support Angela’s Symposium
️ Copyright of Dr Angela Puca, in all of its parts ️
Music by Erose MusicBand. Check them out!
Published on November 3, 2024