Exploring CreativitywithNew Thinking Allowed Volunteer Jeremiah Broadway
July 7, 2024
00:00 Introduction
Effect of Subtle Energy Patterns on Cell Viability and Mitochondrial Membrane Potential
Linda Klimaviciusa Kaspars Jekabsons (1), John McMichael (2), Jeremy Lins (2), Yury Kronn (3)
1. Dept. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia
2. Beech Tree Labs, Providence,
3. Energy Tools International, Eagle Point, OR
An in-vitro experiment with human dermal fibroblast (HDF) cells was conducted to compare the influences of various subtle energy patterns, created with Vital Force Technology, on cells’ viability and longevity while in the condition of “food deprivation.” To create this condition, a growth medium was not replenished throughout the entire course of the experiment. That is, at first, cells grew normally, but once the food ran out, they began to die. Control cells were grown in a standard growth medium, while the experimental cells were grown in the same medium, but infused with different subtle energy patterns. The growth rate of cells grown in energy-infused media was dramatically higher during the growth stage, up to 82% more than in the control group. The best result was demonstrated by the subtle energy pattern that was created specifically for the support of cells’ functioning. Also, cells in energy-infused media died much more slowly than the control cells: on the 9th day, there were between 50% – 83% more live cells in the energy-infused medium.
Another series of experiments was conducted using the human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK-293). To create a food deprivation condition cells were grown in a standard growth medium without the addition of fetal bovine serum (FBS), which is usually used for growing cells. In addition to the absence of FBS, mitochondrial toxins – MMP+, causing symptoms of Parkinson disease, or Rotenone – were added to the experimental samples and half of the control samples. Growth media of the experimental samples were infused with the two subtle energy patterns that produced the best results in the first experiment (described above). After 3 days, the viability of the cells and the mitochondrial membrane potential were compared, using the MMT colorimetric assay, JC-1 dye, and Tecan spectrometer. Measurements showed that both the viability and mitochondrial membrane potential of the experimental cells were significantly better, not only in comparison with the control containing mitochondrial poison, but even in comparison with the non-poisoned control.
Presented experimental results show that subtle energy patterns technologically created to support human cells can effectively provide high viability of cells and protect their mitochondrial functions, even in the presence of poisonous substances.
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Published on November 18, 2018