Skeptiko after death communication alien alternative medicine Atheism Buddhism Christianity consciousness conspiracy theories Contact Experience gnosticism materialism Medical Research mediums mediumship NDE near-death experience neuroscience OBE occult paranormal parapsychology past-lives psi psychedelics psychic psychics psychology quantum physics reincarnation religion remote viewing Rupert Sheldrake science Skepticism Skeptiko spirituality telepathy ufo Craig S. Smith used to write for WSJ and NYT, now he’s into AI For more visit Published on August 13, 2024 Share
Andrija Puharich and His Space KidswithHeidi Jurka February 26, 2024Here she provides many details concerning her work with Puharich, the “space kids” and “mindlink” projects, and the arson fire that put an end to this chapter in her life.
Near-Death Experiences and The Life ReviewwithBruce Greyson March 11, 2024Greyson’s story begins in the early 1970s. Long before the term Near Death Experience (NDE) became part of our vocabulary, two figures crossed paths at the University of Virginia that would change everything relating to the yet-unnamed phenomenon. Dr. Raymond Moody, collecting stories of near-death experiences that would eventually be the basis of his groundbreaking [...]
Doctor Shares Near Death-ExperienceswithJim Roach March 20, 2024Jim shares the top stories of his 100 patients who have had near-death experiences and 900 patients who have had spiritually transformative experiences. He concludes that there is no need to fear death and that the ultimate lesson is to live with gratitude and unconditional love 24/7.
Unity in Polarizing TimeswithChristopher Naughton April 29, 2024Christopher shares that history follows cyclical patterns, and the current polarization and conflict in society are part of a larger cycle. After periods of existential crisis there is usually greater unity and peace. Chaos and conflict may provide opportunities for more presence and participation that can raise us to a higher level of consciousness to [...]
Pachita: The Mexican Miracle HealerwithHeidi Jurka March 8, 2024Here she describes a four-month adventure in Mexico with parapsychologist Andrija Puharich studying the miraculous healings of a miracle healer known as Pachita. In particular, she describes the healing of Carla Rueckert, the channel responsible for the RA Contact.
Feeding the Body, Nourishing the SoulwithDeborah Kesten March 30, 2024Knowledge of nutritional principles, says Deborah Kesten, does not necessarily lead to a healthy diet. In examining our attitudes toward food, she initiated a search of the world’s spiritual traditions. She reviews the regard for food in Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and the American Indian tradition. She maintains that the loving spirit with which we [...]
Human Nature and the DivinewithBrother David Steindl-Rast February 24, 2024The genuine spiritual tradition of all religions encourages the cultivation of independent action and conscience. David Steindl-Rast, Ph.D., a Benedictine Monk, is co-author, with Fritjof Capra, of Belonging to the Universe. He proclaims that the message of Christianity is that we are all related to god and through god to each other.
The Nature of Higher ConsciousnesswithSally Ornstein October 25, 2021Here she describes the capacities of the brain’s right hemisphere for experiences of transcendence and wholeness. She maintains that higher states of awareness are achieved, naturally, by deactivating certain areas of the brain that keep us focused on egoic concerns – the right parietal lobe and the default mode network. She describes stages in humanity’s [...]
Shamanism in MongoliawithGail Hayssen November 3, 2021Here she tells how she developed a close connection with shamans from Mongolia who visited the United States in 2004. As a result of this connection, she was invited to present at a conference on shamanism in Mongolia. She describes a variety of adventures with shamans in Mongolia, including some in which it appeared to [...]