Sorting Truth from Fiction in UFO/UAP Narratives
June 30, 2024
Link to full interview:
Gino Yu is currently an Associate Professor and Director of Digital Entertainment and Game Development in the School of Design at Hong Kong Polytech University where he oversees the Multimedia Innovation Centre, a leading-edge think tank and research center on digital entertainment. He previously taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology where he helped to establish the Center for Enhanced Learning Technologies. His main area research interests involve the application of media technologies to cultivate creativity and promote enlightened consciousness.
Here he discusses several approaches to cultivating and applying greater self-awareness in business, with a particular emphasis on somatic awareness. He also notes the importance of physiological and psychological energy in organizations. He makes reference to pioneering psychological work by Wilhelm Reich, Abraham Maslow, Jean Piaget, and Clare Graves. He suggests that we are innately creative and that, at times, we need to “unlearn” forms of social conditioning that block our native abilities.
(Recorded on May 2, 2016)
Published on June 20, 2016
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