The Spirit of Shamanism in the Life and Work of Stanley Krippner
September 4, 2019
© 2003 – 2019 Tamara Gurbis
Hartmut Grote at the prestigious Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics (Hannover, Germany) tested a leading edge theory of psychokinesis using a novel experiment in parapsychology.
Mind-matter interaction or micro-psychokinesis (PK) experiments have a long tradition in parapsychology and, due to inherent difficulties of these experiments, often have become more complex in their nature over the years. One of these more complex developments was to use correlations between psychological variables of a human agent with actual physical variables of a system. For example, instead of looking for an aggregate deviation from randomness one would correlate the output of a random number generator (RNG) with psychological traits such as belief in parapsychological phenomena, or others. Another level of complexity was introduced by Walter von Lucadou by using many such correlations between different psychological and physical variables within one experiment. Arranging these correlation factors in a matrix, he called this type of experiment “Correlation Matrix Method”.
The work reported here is such a replication by an independent author, supported by a Bial grant. The experiment has been built from scratch with new hardware, testing 200 participants who have spent about half an hour each trying to ‘influence’ a physical random process visualized for feedback. The analysis software has been written from scratch, and has been conceptualized following a blind analysis protocol. The unblinding of the analysis, also called ‘opening of the box’ of the experiment is featured at the end of this video.
Presented at the “62nd Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association” on July 4, 2019, Paris, France; program chaired by Ramses D’Leon. Download the Abstracts at
The Parapsychological Association is an international professional organization of scientists and scholars engaged in the study of psi (or ‘psychic’) experiences, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, psychic healing, and precognition. The primary objective of the PA is to achieve a scientific understanding of these experiences.
A longer version of this convention video, including the Q&A period, is available to PA members-only at There is a level of PA membership for everyone interested in the scientific and scholarly advancement of parapsychology. Learn more at:
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Published on October 25, 2019