CLASSIC REBOOT: Deeper into the MysterywithWhitley Strieber
May 31, 2024
In this video from 2023, he continues his multi-decades exploration into the nature of the “Visitor” phenomena he has been confronting since 1985.
Evidence for and Model to Explain Unusual Consciousness Phenomena
Charles Lear
Applied Physics Laboratory, John Hopkins University
It is clear that unusual consciousness phenomena such as near-death out-of-body experiences (OBEs), reincarnation remembrances of children, and strange psychophysiological phenomena such as the placebo effect and stigmata cannot be explained with existing scientific theories and concepts. They provide strong evidence for the existence of mechanisms not included within our current mainstream-scientific worldview and theories. I hypothesize that the “mechanism” through which these strange phenomena can occur is the human subtle-energy system with its multiple, interpenetrating subtle dimensional bodies.
First consider the scope of the evidence. Cumulative evidence for the reality of NDEs and children who remember their immediate past lives has been well documented in JSE publications and books. Recently, Edward and Emily Kelly with their coauthors produced a huge book, Irreducible Minds, in which they document the full spectrum of other unusual mind-body phenomena. To their treatment, I would add the amazing descriptions from thousands of between-lives regression cases of souls (nonphysical consciousness) in a spiritual realm that are almost in complete alignment with rich NDE accounts. I consider the cumulative accounts from both these sources provide us with a preliminary outline of this realms sociology.
As the Kellys emphasize in their book, mainstream psychology and medical sciences with their mechanistic view of life deny the reality of these phenomena. They write that an important step in the expansion of science is the development of models explaining how these unusual phenomena can be occurring. In discussion stigmata, Emily Kelly quotes two researchers about the specific processes required to create this phenomena:
• Are . . . a mystery of the profoundest sort, with all sorts of implications for the so-called mind- body problem
• [require a] “kind of superintelligence”
In my research for possible explanations, I found that the human subtle-energy system with its multiple, interpenetrating subtle-energy bodies provides the elements that can explain all of the unusual phenomena.
In this model, the etheric subtle body operates similar to a “computer program” directing the development, and maintenance of the physical body plus its response to external and internal stimuli. It is affected (programmed) by human emotions and beliefs present in the second and third bodies respectively—providing answers to the “how” of unusual psychophysical (mind-body) phenomenon such as stigmata.
This distributed, nonphysical model of consciousness (mind) is how all the near-death OBEs of our human consciousness can occur in both earth and nonearthly realms. The concept of a nonphysical, holographic distributed mind can also explain the accounts of the donor’s memories and personality traits being transplanted in some organ-replacement surgeries.
Lastly, I want to mention the strange phenomenon that Walter Semkiw has discovered in the similarity of physical appearances and personality traits between present-day individuals and their past-life humans. The human subtle body model with its spiritual-plane bodies provides the input to explain this and many other anomalies.
Recorded at the 33rd annual SSE Conference in 2014 at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport,
Burlingame, California, USA.
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Published on November 18, 2018