Aired on March 8, 2023
Abstract of the presentation:
Poltergeist originates from a German word that means “noisy ghost.” It is a phenomenon that occurs intermittently for a certain period, such as unexplained movement of objects, unexplained fire, or unexplained water leakage. Poltergeists can be categorized into “RSPK” and“hauntings.” ”RSPK” (recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis) is defined as unconscious macro PK effects caused by a certain person. The haunting is the cases without any persons who are a source of macro PK. There is a possibility that the haunting phenomena occur naturally under unknown physical conditions. In other words, matters or time-space may have a fundamental property relating to psi phenomena. We should remember that humans are also part of the universe, even if human has psi ability. We should recognize the possibility that all substances show psi effects if the conditions are adjusted right.
In this lecture, I will introduce a case study of a poltergeist incident at an apartment in Tomikatown, Gifu, Japan, in 2000. Collaborators and I did a 3-day survey using socio-psychological interviews, video cameras, and a magnetometer. During the survey, anomalous electric signals were recorded in a room where residents claimed a ghost had passed through. After analyzing data, the power spectrum of the first signal suggested that the gain of an amplifier was increased suddenly at 22:30. It was considered that an analog circuit detected the anomalous effect. We could expect to obtain cues to understand the physical properties of psi if we use various devices in the survey on poltergeists. However, it is not always possible to fulfill the residents’ desire to “restore their normal life” through scientific measurements or surveys. Researchers must also understand the limitations of current science. In such cases, traditional or religious rituals may help to alleviate residents’ fears.
Hideyuki Kokubo is a researcher at the Institute for Informatics of Consciousness and a part-time lecturer at the School of Information and Communication at Meiji University in Japan. He learned biophysics and graduated from the physics program at Nagoya University in 1981. He was an editorial staff member for science and mathematics books at Sanseido Co. Ltd. from 1981 to 1996. He studied anomalous phenomena (including ki or psi) as a senior researcher of a project at the National Institute of RadiologicalSciences from 1996 to 2005. From 2005 to 2019, he researched psi at theInternational Research Institute (IRI), where he succeeded in developing three quantitative measuring methods for bio-PK using a bio-sensor (cucumber sensor), biophoton method, gas method, and fluorescence method. After he retired from the IRI, he continued psi research on, for example, the international comparison of paranormal experiences. More information about him is available in the online Encyclopedia:
Published on March 11, 2023