#BDSM #religion #esotericism
00:00:00 Intro to Dr Alison Robertson
00:03:35 What is BDSM?
00:04:42 Research methodology
00:07:02 BDSM, Religion and Altered States
00:21:00 Gestalt, more than the sum of its parts
00:28:05 BDSM and Paganism
00:36:46 BDSM, Magic, Esotericism
00:44:30 Intentionality in Magic & BDSM
00:52:38 Is BDSM deemed a Pathology?
00:57:00 BDSM & Transcendence of pain
ALISON’S BOOK: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.equinoxpub.com%2Fhome%2Fplay-pain%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3roQR6LLovVKVSZfsJuGVuQM0661euM38UCu63V5nsQQWODzaJU7aEtOM&h=AT3_xsMM2yCIZ9NVWP37TSuFbLbFK-0o4voMQEKzvoDjtclbaXPxp5Fo-X0HWBU5dOQ0lYiaSVXvqd5z_ESQ3HAxiCMR5J-E2vLIa9p1ooKB49kqqa5t0vglymCiiecaEeUmIDldv-o
Email: ar23897@open.ac.uk
REFERENCE (Article mentioned)
Robertson, A. & Wildcroft, T. (2016). Sacrifices at the Altar of Self-Knowledge. Body and Religion, 1, 88-109
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Music by Erose MusicBand. Check them out!
Published on December 19, 2021