Hidden US Special Access Programs
June 20, 2024
Short video created by Jeremiah Broadway.
Dr Phil Morse is a professor emeritus at the State University of New York at Fredonia, Dr. Morse is the author or co-author of 5 books and numerous scholarly articles and has been listed in Who’s Who in American Education, Men of Achievement, and Outstanding Americans. In addition, he was a visiting scholar at the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University and the University of California at Berkeley. He is presently affiliated with the Rhine Research Center where he has done research on psychokinesis, survivalism, and energy healing.
Abstract: Leonora Piper was probably the most studied and scrutinized medium ever. She profoundly impressed people like William James and many other luminaries of her day and, remarkably, no one could ever raise even the slightest doubt about her ability to communicate with those who have passed over. She had an acute ability to mesmerize people with her knowledge and accuracy of information that was sometimes unknown to even the sitters. Her quiet, unassuming manner and impeccable integrity has stood the test of time to this day.
The ParaMOOC series is organized by the Alvarado Zingrone Institute for Research and Education (The AZIRE), a virtual project for education in the scientific study of psychic phenomena, and supported by the Parapsychology Foundation. For more information about the Parapsychology Foundation go to the website: https://parapsychology.org. You can also keep up with the activities of the Foundation and the AZIRE by searching for the following Facebook pages: Parapsychology Foundation, Psychic Explorers Club, Alvarado Zingrone Institute for Research and Education, Parapsychology Online, and ParaMOOC.
Moderated by Dr Nancy L Zingrone.
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Published on May 6, 2019