Skeptiko 579-2 Johnny Vedmore, Great Reset Trolling, Flexing, Signaling @skeptiko-video Published on February 14, 2023 Share
The Merits of a Vegan DietwithGina Carr April 5, 2024Here she discusses her own personal journal and provides an overview of the merits of the vegan lifestyle.
The Professor of UFOlogy: Confessions of a Catholic ProfwithJames Madden May 8, 2024Dr. James Madden, author of “Unidentified Flying Hyperobject: UFOs, Philosophy, and the End of the World” is a professor of philosophy at Benedictine College in Kansas, discusses “re-thinking UFO/UAP phenomenon” with guest host Christopher Naughton. Madden’s central claim is that understanding the UFO will require a re-thinking of ourselves and our standing in what is [...]
Neurodiversity, Part 4: Metaphysical ImplicationswithAnnika and Tristan June 2, 2024This is the fourth interview in this series. Viewers are advised to watch the first three in preparation for fully understanding and appreciating this video:
Neurodiversity, Part 2: Annika’s Life Story May 15, 2024In this video, Tristan has, essentially, left the body while Annika shares her own incredible journey. She explains how she first entered Tristan’s body, with the consciousness of an infant, when he was 22 years of age. You can watch Part 1 of this series at
Interconnectedness: The Life and Times of Roger Nelson June 7, 2024In this video Roger Nelson demonstrates how his life’s work with the global consciousness project has discovered an important law of nature that can change the face of humanity: the interconnectedness of people when focused on a single goal or activity or event.
Listening to the Invisible WorldwithOlga Strashun May 1, 2024Olga shares her evolution from being a physician in hospitals in the USSR, to undergoing training and research at the USSR Ministry in Space, under parapsychologist, Dr. Vadim Polyakov, to providing care at her health and wellness center in Canada, that enhanced her ability to diagnose and heal using subtle energy.
Life’s Defining MomentswithDavis Brimberg May 3, 2024Here Davis and Jeffrey look at the question of crucial moments that can define one’s character and set the arc of one’s life in a particular direction. The discussion touches on both psychological and parapsychological themes.
Ingo Swann’s PenetrationwithDaz Smith November 26, 2021Here he shares his own experience spending a day in the home of Ingo Swann, who is widely regarded as “the father of remote viewing.” He points out that all of the people he knows who have worked with Ingo have described him as an honest person of great integrity. This is why Ingo’s bizarre [...]
The Legacy of William BlakewithJames Tunney October 29, 2021Here he reviews the many accomplishments of William Blake (1757-1827), a visual artist, poet, and mystic. Blake was an important influence on people such as W. B. Yeats, Alan Ginsberg, Kathleen Raine, Aldous Huxley – the contemporary artist, Francis Bacon – and even the rock musician, Patti Smith. Many of his contemporaries, and even some [...]